The Dutch Royal Academy of Sciences (KNAW) has elected 26 new members. Each member chosen for their academic achievements and are appointed for life. Among them is Suzanne Hulscher,  Professor Water Engineering and Management at the University of Twente (and member of the NCK supervisory board). Congratulations!

summerschoolThe bi-annual NCK Summer School will be held at the island of Texel, the Netherlands, from June 26th untill July 7th this year. The Summer School focusses on estuarine and coastal processes in relation to coastal zone management during a series of inspiring lectures and case studies. 

Read more about the NCK Summer School...

The NatureCoast program is a four year multidisciplinary research program about the Sandmotor. In the past four years, 12 PhD’s and 3 Postdocs studied the behaviour of the Sandmotor on a wide variety of themes such as biodiversity, morphology and governance. On May 9 they will present and discuss their findings on a symposium at the TU Delft Campus.

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