M. Ghonim1*, D. Roelvink1,2,3, J. Reyns1,2, B.J.A. Huisman2,3

1IHE Delft, 2 Deltares, 3 Delft University of Technology

* This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Coasts were naturally created in balance without any issues, however, coastal erosion became one of the critical problems that many coastal regions suffer, mainly because of human intervention. Specialists started developing different coastline models in order to simulate coastline change, and the first one-line model was developed by Pelnard-Considère in 1956 (Dean, 2003). ShorelineS is a new shoreline simulation model introduced by (D. Roelvink, 2017) to overcome the severe limitations of existing coastline models. The model includes many unique features; the model describes coastlines as strings of grid points that can move around, expand and shrink freely without a refiner. It can have multiple sections such as islands and lagoons, where spits and other features can be developed; they may break up or merge as the simulation continues.(Roelvink et al., 2018).

Recently, the model has been developed to give more accurate coastline behavior near structures and to match the analytical solutions. Sand bypassing around structures has been introduced; it may take place when the up-drift side of the structure is filled with sand or just after the construction of the structure. boa 2019 html d17970b8

Figure 1. ShorelineS result compared to Pelnard-Considère analytical solution near a single groin.

Simulating dune foot evolution for beaches, where dunes are located either in long-term periods or after storms is a new feature being introduced to the model in the meanwhile. Dune foot may move seaward due to the Aeolian transport or landward due to wave attacks.

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Figure 2. Initial and final coastline and dune foot location after 5 years.

Dean, R. G. (2003). Beach nourishment theory and practice (Vol. 18).

Roelvink, Huisman, & Elghandour. (2018). Efficient modelling of complex coastal evolution at monthly to century time scales.

Roelvink, D. (2017). Coatline modelling: the next generation? In Book of Abstracts NCK Days (p. 33).

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