N.H. van Kuik1*, M. Rommel1, E. Brand1, E. Olink1, L. Brakenhoff1, F.R. van Bakel1, P. Damsma1

1 Rijkswaterstaat, Water, Traffic and Environment

*corresponding author: niels.van.kuik@rws.nl


In 1990, the Dutch government introduced the Dynamic Preservation policy. This included that coastal erosion should be compensated with sand nourishments where possible, and hard coastal protection structures where necessary (Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, 1990). Since 1991 Rijkswaterstaat is maintaining the Dutch coast with sandy nourishments on a national level. To continuously optimize and adjust the Dutch Coastal policy and practice, Rijkswaterstaat, as part of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, coordinates the research program Management and Maintenance of the Dutch Coast (Beheer en Onderhoud Kust, in Dutch). Deltares and Rijkswaterstaat collaborate in this research program.

Scope program

The main goal of the research program Management and Maintenance of the Dutch Coast is efficient and effective coastal maintenance. This is done within four main goals:

  • Consistent and up to date knowledge of the state of the Dutch coast;
  • Ability to evaluate and predict the effects of the current coastal policy;
  • Support local authorities of Rijkswaterstaat in managing and the coastal area;
  • Use insights in the long term effects of the current coastal management policy (including sand availability, sea level rise and spatial planning) for advising policy makers;

The research program is multi-annual and will be continued in the coming years. The focus area is on the Dutch Coast, between -20m NAP up to and including the inner dune row. The tidal inlets such as the Marsdiep are included within the program as well. Sediment sharing systems such as the Wadden Sea, Eems estuary and Western Scheldt are included within adjacent research programs at Rijkswaterstaat.

Featured research programs

The research program Management and Maintenance of the Dutch Coast contains among others the subjects depicted in Figure 1. We will give a coherent overview of these subject within the Dutch Dynamic Preservation policy in our intended poster.


Figure 1: Overview of the featured subjects within the research program Management and Maintenance of the Dutch Coast (B&O Kust).


Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (1990). Kustverdediging na 1990 – beleidskeuze voor Kustlijnzorg (Eerste Kustnota).

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