NCK Days 2024

NCK days
Wednesday, 13 March 09:03 - Friday, 15 March 09:03
Het Oude Magazijn - 310F, Soesterweg, Soesterhof, Soesterkwartier, Amersfoort, Utrecht, Netherlands
3812 BH, Netherlands

WhatsApp Image 2024 03 15 at 13.26.21The NCK Days 2024 ‘Innovative Science for a Resilient Coast’ took place from 13-14 March 2024 at The Oude Magazijn in Amersfoort. The event brought together 158 coastal enthusiasts from various organizations, representing diverse backgrounds and levels of experience.

The event started on Wednesday with a full-day fieldtrip to the Marker Wadden. In the evening there was an icebreaker at the city brewery de Drie Ringen so that all participants could get to know each other.

For the following two days a very nice program was put together. Bart van den Hurk, recently appointed as IPCC WG2 co-chair, provided a keynote address on the latest sea level rise developments and IPCC dynamics. Thirty-five speakers gave presentations about sand waves, coasts, estuarine hydrodynamics and morphodynamics, dunes, coastal ecology, and nature-based solutions. All presentations were very interesting, and speakers varied from old hands to very young master students. Sem Geerts & Bart van Westen took home the award for the Best Presentation. Moreover, there were 37 posters to behold, accompanied by a short pitch. Congratulations to Wout Ploeg & Floris van Rees for winning the Best Poster award!

Traditionally, the conference dinner took place on Thursday evening. The recently founded Young-NCK tested our (non-)coastal related knowledge by hosting a pub quiz. The table of O-NCK walked away with the prize (and the O doesn't stand for Young...).

The NCK Days were a big success! Thank you to this year’s organisers from IHE Delft: Khin Nawarat, Natascia Pannozzo (TU Delft), Trang Duong, Johan Reyns, Mick van der Wegen, Dano Roelvink, and Niamh McKenna.

The programme is available below. The Book of Abstracts is available in pdfpdf.


Wednesday 13 March 2024
10:00 - 10:05 Excursion Marker Wadden. Gathering at Lelystad Main Harbour.
10:05 - 13:00 Sailing to Marker Wadden
13:00 - 14:30 Marker Wadden exploration
14:30 - 16:00 Sailing back to meeting point
20:00 - 22:00 Icebreaker at De 3 Ringen Brewery, Amersfoort
Thursday 14 March 2024
08:30 - 09:00 Registration
09:00 - 09:15 Opening Ceremony
09:15 - 09:45 Keynote: Bart van den Hurk (Co-Chair IPCC WG2): Perspectives on sea level rise and IPCC
09:45 - 10:15 Session 1: Sand Waves
09:45 - 09:57 L. Portos-Amill Modelling sand wave-induced form roughness: The complexity of a tidal setting
09:57 - 10:09 Z. Tam Simulating 3D Sand Wave Recovery After Pre-sweeping in Delft3D FM
10:09 - 10:21 J. Damveld Storm-driven migration of tidal sand waves: analysis of high resolution bathymetric data
10:21 - 10:33 R. van de Vijsel Tipping dynamics in estuarine bedforms under high flow conditions
10:33 - 11:30 Coffee break and poster pitches
  C. Bedon Pineda Calculating sand wave-induced form roughness coefficients for a section of the Netherlands Continental Shelf
  W. Ploeg Large-Scale Sand Extraction on the Netherlands Continental Shelf: a Surficial Wound or a Deep Scar?
  P. Overes Modelling in-situ sand wave dynamics for offshore engineering activities: the role of slope-induced transport
  A. Enge Understanding Flows and Eddies in the Norwegian Trench
  J. Bosma Effects of shell content on bed mobility under mixed oscillatory and unidirectional flow conditions
  S. Tas Linking headland bypassing to the evolution of a spit and beach ridge system - Slocums River Embayment, Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, USA 
  N. Pannozzo Modelling sand grains exposure to sunlight for sediment tracing in coastal settings
  H. Castro Lara Towards understanding storm-induced sediment losses for a large-scale nourishment strategy at the Belgian Coast 
  K. Van Asselt Machine learning for post-storm profile predictions
  H. Shafiei Simulation of cross-shore sandbar migration in a wave-averaged model 
  R. Siemes Influence of intertidal wetlands on salt intrusion: 3D modelling of an engineered estuary environment
  H. Jongbloed Influence of lateral estuarine bathymetry on salt intrusion in single-channel systems and channel junctions
  J. Mi The impact of morphological evolution on hydrodynamics and sediment redistribution of the Western Scheldt estuary from 1200-2020
  M. Rozendaal The influence of lateral dynamics on the sediment dynamics in tidally dominated estuaries 
  R. Jaarsma Improving certainty in ADCP suspended sediment monitoring using multiple frequencies
  J. Reyns Anthropogenic and climate forcing cause major changes in the GBM delta morphology in the 21st century 
  Q. Bi Evaluating the impact of natural and anthropogenic factors on fine sediment dynamics in the Wadden Sea based on hydrodynamic and suspended sediment observations near Holwerd and Ferwerd 
  P. Miranda Roles of sand, silt, and clay in the morphodynamics of mixed sediment environments 
  J. Wang Response time of global deltas to river sediment supply change
  M. Aguilera Chaves Long-term evolution of intertidal flats in the Western Scheldt under accelerating sea level rise 
  C. Rowe State of the Coast: Leveraging Global Datasets to Advance Local Scale Coastal Risk Assessments 
  L. Beyaard Exploring Automatic Channel Network Detection in the Historic Western Scheldt
  N. Vermeer The Roggenplaat intertidal flat nourishment: development of the sediment composition 
11:30 - 12:30 Session 2: Coasts (Chair: Evelien Brand, Rijkswaterstaat)
11:30 - 11:42 T. Kooistra How do shells of different shapes influence current-driven sand transport? 
11:42 - 11:54 L. Roest Length-scales of similarities in coastal morphological behaviour 
11:54 - 12:06 J. Löhr Multi-temporal shoreline dynamics of the repeatedly nourished coast of Egmond-Bergen quantified from satellite imagery
12:06 - 12:18 L. Brakenhoff Sediment and nourishment demand of the Dutch coast under sea level rise
12:18 - 12:30 X. Wang Simulation of aeolian sediment transport with inter-particle moisture using Discrete Particle Modelling
12:30 - 13:45 Lunch
13:45 - 14:45 Session 3: Estuarine hydrodynamics (Chair: Wouter Kranenburg, Deltares/TU Delft)
13:45 - 13:57  J. Beemster Human footprint on tides dominates water levels in estuaries around the world
13:57 - 14:09 A. Almohagry Saltwater entrainment from bathymetric depressions: A CFD analysis from a laboratory cavity to a scour hole in the Haringvliet estuary
14:09 - 14:21 Y. Huismans The effectiveness of fresh-water pulses to mitigate salt intrusion into the Lek River
14:21 - 14:33 S. Geerts The Influence of Estuarine Sand Dunes on Salt Intrusion
14:33 - 14:45 J. De Wilde Tidal phase differences in multi-branch systems and their effect on salinity intrusion
14:45 - 15:00 Coffee break and poster pitches (continued)
15:45 - 17:00 Session 4: Estuarine morphodynamics (Chair: Roy van Weerdenburg, Deltares/TU Delft)
15:45 - 15:57 G. Hendrickx When and where to construct a sill to mitigate estuarine salt intrusion
15:57 - 16:09 E. Nota An experimental study on the effects of fixed banks on estuarine morphodynamics
16:09 - 16:21 A. Kwadijk Future sand dynamics in the Mekong Delta
16:21 - 16:33 M. Reyes Assessing Sea Level Rise Impact on Estuarine Morphodynamics
16:33 - 16:45 M. Niemeijer XBeach modelling of storm sequence effects on dune erosion near Egmond aan Zee
16:45 - 16:57 T. Grandjean The role of turbidity in maintaining intertidal areas globally
17:00 - 21:00 Dinner (and YNCK-activity) near Oude Magazijn (Ketelhuis)
Friday 15 March 2024
08:30 - 09:00 Registration
09:00 - 10:00 Session 5: Dunes (Chair: Timothy Price, Utrecht University)
09:00 - 09:12 S. Vos Dutch asynchronous dune development due to the influence of beach pavilions
09:12 - 09:24 D. Hulskemper Understanding Drivers of Sandy Beach-Dune Dynamics Through Permanent Laser Scanning
09:24 - 09:36 D. Poppema Hybrid dunes: an international overview
09:36 - 09:48 S. Gargari Simulation of Wind Flow Speed-up over a Foredune Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
09:48 - 10:00 B. Van Westen Towards modelling coastal dune and landform development for real-world applications using AeoLiS
10:00 - 11:00 Coffee break and poster pitches
  N. Thillaigovindarasu Mangrove-Sediment Connectivity in the Presence of Structures Used to Aid Restoration
  Ü. Best Mapping Tools Transforming Blended Finance Options for Nature-Based Adaptation Measures 
  V. Vuik Quantifying wave impact reduction with a nature-based foreshore at the IJsselmeer dyke
  E. Sipma Spatial variation in Dutch Wadden Sea salt marshes and nature-based coastal flood protection by Living Dikes
  T. Van Steen The effectiveness of oyster reefs as a nature-based erosion control measure during storm events
  J. Regtien Modelling Airflow in Foredune Blowouts Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
  R. Dabu Quantification of the Dune Retreat and Eroded Volume: Case in Culatra, Algarve, Portugal during Storm Xynthia 2010
  B. Van der Waal The effect of nourishments on dune erosion during a storm sequence 
  A. Kroon Morphological boundary conditions for increasing barrier island dynamics: the case of Schiermonnikoog
  T. Price Quick Reaction Force Egmond aan Zee: Measurements of alongshore-variable dune erosion and hydrodynamics during storm seasons 
  S. Dzimballa Investigating Biogeomorphological Processes through Numerical Modelling across Different Time Scales in Salt Marshes
  S. Van Rosmalen Reducing the impact of recreation: Are pathways the solution to vegetated beaches? 
  M. Baptist Restoration of the bio-engineer Sabellaria in the Wadden Sea
  J. Bootsma Intertidal vegetation altering currents in the Scheldt estuary
  M. Traas Fish migration river (VMR), Afsluitdijk. Part I: expected morphological effects Lake IJssel 
  A. Bolle Coastal Vision – more than coastal protection. About the tools we needed to define this strategic policy plan
  P. Berghuis The effect of a compound drought and heatwave event on the coastal dune building grass Elytrigia juncea
  F. Van Rees Guano-mediated island genesis in the Dutch Waddensea
  S. Van Heteren Closure history of the former Bergen Inlet during the transition from mid to late Holocene 
  S. Van Heteren Pan-European coastal vulnerability: developing a new EMODnet Geology data product for coastal behaviour 
11:00 - 12:00 Session 6: Coastal ecology (Tim Grandjean, NIOZ)
11:00 - 11:12  A. Ton Knowledge and Innovation at the Marker Wadden
11:12 - 11:24  L. Jaksic Learning from the past: hindcasting abiotic conditions before the closure of the Zuiderzee to better understand the recovery potential of subtidal Eelgrass (Zostera marina) in the western Dutch Wadden Sea 
11:24 - 11:36  T. Van Veelen Flume experiments of vegetation-induced sediment resuspension under combined wave-current flows
11:36 - 11:48  N. Geleynse Fish migration river (VMR), Afsluitdijk. Part II: expected salinity effects Lake IJssel
11:48 - 12:00  J. De Smit Morphological effects of salt marsh rejuvenation in Zuidgors (Western Scheldt)
12:00 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 14:30 Session 7: Nature-based solutions (Chair: Petra Dankers, RHDHV)
13:30 - 13:42  M. Teixeira Long-term beach-dune evolution of mega-nourishments - a Cellular Automata approach
13:42 - 13:54  B. Walles A decade of research reveals the tidal flat erosion mitigation abilities of oyster reefs
13:54 - 14:06  S. Beselly Exploring mangrove restoration strategies to optimize carbon sequestration potential 
14:06 - 14:18  R. Gijsman Mangrove Ecosystem Engineering Effects Across an Elevation Gradient with Forest Zones
14:18 - 14:30  B. De Vries The North Manila Bay Flood Protection Strategy with NBS
14:40 - 15:00 Coffee break and poster pitches (continued)
15:00 - 15:15 Closing ceremony, best presentation and poster award

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