L. Piedelobo1,*, Y. Maljers1, A. Restu Nirwana2, J. de Smit1, W. van de Lageweg1, T. Tepstra3

1 Building with Nature, HZ University of Applied Sciences, Middelburg, the Netherlands; 2 Earth Systems and Global Change, Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen, the Netherlands; 3 Resilient Deltas, HZ University of Applied Sciences, Middelburg, the Netherlands

* Corresponding author: laura.piedelobo@hz.nl


In delta management, a key bottleneck in enabling large-scale transitions is the need for a common knowledge base among actors with diverse backgrounds and interests. Addressing climate adaptation requires integrating scientific expertise with local knowledge and stakeholder priorities. The Southwest Delta (SW-Delta) in the Netherlands has been continuously reshaped by both natural processes and human interventions. Historically, this dynamic system of tidal flats, estuaries and saltmarshes was altered by centuries of land reclamation and, more recently, by the Delta Works, which transformed the region’s tidal character to enhance flood protection. However, with accelerating sea-level rise and changing climate conditions, the long-term viability of these infrastructures is uncertain. The Delta Wealth project seeks to develop integral adaptation strategies that ensure a safe, ecologically sustainable and economically resilient SW-Delta. This abstract focuses on the project's innovative transdisciplinary approach, emphasizing the formation of a Learning Community, and the integration of five knowledge domains, to co-create viable adaptation strategies.

Objective and Methods

The Delta Wealth project has established a Learning Community as a dynamic science-policy-society interface that integrates knowledge and expertise from research institutions, governmental bodies, private sector actors, NGOs and local stakeholders. The Learning Community is supported by PhD researchers from TU Delft, Utrecht University, NIOZ, Wageningen University & Research, and HZ University of Applied Sciences, working across five knowledge domains: (i) flood risk management, (ii) freshwater availability and salinization, (iii) ecology, (iv) social welfare, and (v) societal support.
Interviews, workshops, one-on-one PhD meetings, biweekly meetings, expert consultations, lectures and co-creation sessions are used to inform the three investigated adaptation strategies: Protect-Open (increased tidal exchange and ecosystem restoration), Protect-Closed (enhanced flood defenses and compartmentalization) and Seaward Defense (land reclamation and offshore protection). Each strategy is visualized using ArcGIS StoryMaps, combining scientific data with accessible narratives and visuals to engage both expert and non-expert audiences.


The Learning Community fosters collaboration and trust among scientists, policymakers, businesses and local stakeholders, enabling collective knowledge creation and joint decision-making in the SW-Delta. ArcGIS StoryMaps enable clear communication of complex adaptation strategies, making research accessible to diverse audiences. This is an essential step towards enabling the necessary large-scale transitions.
The Protect-Open StoryMap, synthesizing research across the five knowledge domains, explores reopening estuarine connections, restoring natural sediment transport and integrating nature-based solutions to enhance resilience. Stakeholder feedback has raised key concerns regarding feasibility and public acceptance. Many asked “Is this realistic?” Others questioned whether communities would accept relocation due to shifts in flood protection measures.
At the NCK Days, we will present the Protect-Open StoryMap in an interactive poster session to gather input from the NCK community and refine the strategy further. Beyond this, the project will continue expanding stakeholder engagement, assessing the Protect-Closed and Seaward Defense Strategies, and ultimately comparing all strategies to inform regional coastal management (i.e., beheerplannen, PAGW) and climate adaptation plans (i.e., herijking voorkeurstrategie DP), offering valuable lessons for delta regions worldwide.

Delta Wealth Learning Community

Delta Wealth Learning Community

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