NCK days 2014

The Netherlands
The NCK days of 2014 were a succes. We would like to thank all speakers and people with poster presentations for their contribution. Considering all the high marks that have been awarded by the audience, we may conclude that the standard was very high!
Also, we would like to give our compliments to the organising committee of UNESCO-IHE for the smooth organisation. Well done, Mick van der Wegen, Shahrizal Bin Ab Razak, Leo Sembiring, Ewout Heeringa and Martine Roebroeks.
The book of abstracts is now available via this link.
Please be invited to register for the NCK days 2014 at UNESCO-IHE on March 27 and 28!
Follow this link to download the programme.
Registration NCK days
You can register and pay on eventzilla (deadline March 17).
Attending the full programme implies that you learn OpenEarthTools, present your work, discuss new ideas with peers, have exposure to the latest and greatest Dutch coastal research efforts and have realtime exposure to the Maasvlakte, with plenty of food and drinks, for a 'lousy' 196 euro (excl. lodging)!
Theme NCK days
The theme of this years' NCK days is Preparedness.
Coastal communities all over the world are facing increasing threats and challenges due to the combination of population pressure and climate change. They need to take adequate action to deal with these threats and challenges, but do they indeed? The coastal (research) community puts major efforts in coastal preparedness on timescales ranging from storm events to relative sea level rise rates. But are we aware of all threats and do we oversee all possible scenarios and consequences? What is the level of coastal preparedness required and what knowledge and research efforts do we need to optimize coastal preparedness? Can we export our knowledge and know-how on this topic or are our solutions only useful in our own context?
NEWS: Mini Symposium
In honor of the retirement of dr. Jan Mulder, and as integral part of the NCK days, on Thursday March 27, there will be a Mini Symposium (15.00-17.00) entitled "Sediment management as a key to sustainable coastal development".
This symposium combines the NCK theme "Prepardness" with the work of Jan over the past decades on our 'coastal foundation'. The balance between demand and supply of sediment determines the boundary conditions for large scale, long term coastal development. Sediment management therefore provides a powerful tool to enhance sustainable coastal development and counteract negative effects of sea level rise, subsidence and population pressure. Maintenance or enhancement of the sediment balance of the system, preserves or improves the potential of the system to support different user functions; a dedicated distribution of sediment both in time and in space, affects the actual value of specific user functions. The management concept of the 'kustfundament' - the large scale coastal cell representing the '(coastal) foundation' of the Dutch coastal system -, is based on these principles.
The key note seminar aims to address three aspects of this approach, as well as its applicability in an international context (preliminary titles and programme):
1. The importance of subsidence in delta areas (in general) by dr. Devin Galloway (ground water specialist, USGS);
2. Potential and limitations of sediment management for sustainable development of coastal cities; a spatial planners view;
3. Background, implementation and challenges of sediment management in the Netherlands by dr. Jan Mulder (coastal morphologist, Deltares).
Abstracts NCK Days
Abstracts presenting original research efforts can be submitted. The abstracts should be formatted according to the following template (open link) in *.doc format (1 A4) and be sent to:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Recently, a number of major research projects have started and research fellowships were awarded. As an experiment, we would like to provide the opportunity to advertise projects and research programmes in a dedicated poster session at NCK days. Interested groups and individuals can thus share their research initiative and scope by advertising, for example, PhD or Postdoc positions. Please follow the abstract template and submit with reference to "project exposure".
Deadline for abstract submission: has been extended to February 16
Information oral/poster: March 3
Deadline registration: March 17 (after this date we will charge an extra 25 euro)
Preliminary programme: March 19
Accomodation / Lodging NCK Days
Please be reminded to book your own lodging.
The following hotels are suggestions for accommodation in Delft near UNESCO-IHE, within walking distance from our institute:
Jorplace Hostel (€25,- a night):
Best Western Museum Hotel (€92,50,-night, mention UNESCO-IHE for discount!):
Hotel Coen:
Hotel Gran Canal:
Hotel Bridges House:
Hotel Leeuwenbrug:
Contact the hotels yourself by internet; all prices are based on availability of rooms from the hotel. More special tariff rooms may be available on
We are looking forward to an inspiring event!