NCK Summer School 2015

Monday, 15 June
Dorpshuis 'De Waldhoorn' - Herenstraat 30
1797 AH Den Hoorn Texel, Netherlands

The bi-annual summer school of the Netherlands Centre for Coastal Research (NCK) has the objective to provide young engineers and scientists, specializing in coastal and estuarine processes with a common background in knowledge, tools and skills.

The NCK Summer School covers a range of physical and ecological topics in the coastal area. As a central theme, it links these topics to the Dutch Wadden Sea area and its surroundings, i.e. including the barrier islands and the North Sea.

The NCK Summer School is open for all NCK PhD-students. Moreover, we aim at participation of young staff members of the non-academic NCK-partners, as well as participants from other organizations with interest in the NCK-curriculum. Because of the intensity of the programme and available accommodation, the total number of participants is limited to 24. In case of more than 24 applications, the organizers will make a selection based on criteria to be decided upon in cooperation with the NCK Programme Committee.

For more information on the programme and registration, see the attached brochure.

Please note that the deadline for registration is April 30, 2015


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