NCK days 2020 canceled
On Thursday, 12 March 2020, we informed the participants of the cancellation of the NCK days 2020 on Texel, which were scheduled to take place on 18-20 March. The organizers from NIOZ and the chair of the NCK CvT (the supervisory board) have jointly monitored the situation regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19) during the last few weeks. We follow the directives of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), that impose cancellation of all activities with more than 100 attendees.
The conference fee will be refunded. Please do not forget to cancel the hotel, if you booked one.
General information
You are all invited to join the NCKdays 2020! They will take place on March 19 and 20 at NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research on the island of Texel. This year, we kick off the NCK days with an excursion to the Prins Hendrik Zanddijk on Wednesday afternoon, March 18 (more info below). After the excursion you may join the hands-on sprint session on the field data collected during the SEAWAD project (more info below). The icebreaker will also be on Wednesday, from 20:00-22:00 hours in Hotel-Restaurant De Lindeboom, Den Burg. The program on Thursday and Friday will be filled with interesting key notes, oral and poster sessions, and of course ample time to catch up with your colleagues. When you register you can indicate which parts of the program you will join. More details on the program can be found further below.
Registration and fee
It is not possible to register anymore. You registration is finalised after you have paid the fee. Your will receive a printed invoice at the NCK Days. This year, conference fees are:
- Full conference: € 125
- Thursday: €60
- Thursday + conference dinner: € 95
- Conference dinner + Friday: € 65
- Friday: € 30
- The excursion, sprint session and icebreaker are free of charge (but require registration).
NIOZ is located directly next to the ferry on the island of Texel (view in Google Maps). It takes only a 5-minute walk to reach the main entrance.
The TESO ferry leaves Den Helder on an hourly service at every 30 minutes past the hour (XX:30 h.). The crossing from to Texel takes only 20 minutes. Detailed information about the tickets and time-tables can be found on the TESO website.
Overnight stay
If you want to stay overnight, you are kindly asked to make your own arrangements. One of our recommended hotels, De Lindeboom, is already fully booked. We also recommend the following hotel:
- Hotel De Pelikaan, De Koog | 0222-317202 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Standard room € 69,50* p.r.p.n (2 nights)
* The price is based on single use, breakfast is included, local taxes are excluded.
Note 1: We took an option on a limited amount of rooms in this hotel which expired February 14.
Note 2: The room can be booked via email or phone, please mention “NCKdays NIOZ”.
Bus transport
We arrange bus transport after the Icebreaker to Hotel De Pelikaan and De Koog on Wednesday evening; the route De Koog-Hotel De Pelikaan-Den Burg-NIOZ on Thursday and Friday morning, and conversely on Thursday evening after the conference dinner. Please indicate during registration whether you want to use this special bus service.
NB: if you book a hotel that is not located along this route, then please arrange your own transport!
Book of Abstracts
To reduce our carbon footprint, we will no longer be handing out hardcopies of the Book of Abstracts during the NCK Days. The full Book of Abstracts is available as PDF and HTML. The advantages of the HTML are that the abstracts will scale on laptop, tablet and phone and abstracts are better found via search machines such as Google.
Preliminary program
NB. The division of the sessions below is still provisional!
Wednesday, 18 March |
13:30-15:30 |
Excursion Prins Hendrik Zanddijk (start & end at NIOZ entrance) Guide: Joël Verstoep (HHNK), with Matthieu de Schipper (TUD) and Timothy Price (UU) |
15:30-17:45 |
Workshop SEAWAD data (Noordzeezaal, NIOZ) Organized by Laura Brakenhoff (UU) and Rinse Wilmink (RWS) |
20:00-22:00 |
Icebreaker at Hotel-Restaurant De Lindeboom, Den Burg |
22:00 |
Bus transport from Den Burg Elemert to De Koog (via Hotel De Pelikaan) |
Thursday, 19 March |
08:30 |
Bus transport from De Koog, via Hotel De Pelikaan and Den Burg Elemert (8:45), to NIOZ (9:00) |
09:00-09:30 |
Registration and coffee |
09:30-09:40 |
Opening of the NCK Days by Dr. Theo Gerkema |
Session Estuaries and Tidal Basins. Chair: Henk Schuttelaars (TUD) |
09:40-10:10 |
Keynote by Ulf Gräwe (IOW, Warnemünde) – Variability of residual water flow in the western Dutch Wadden Sea |
10:10-10:25 |
Yoeri Dijkstra (TUD) - A Unifying approach to subtidal salinity intrusion modelling in tidal estuaries |
10:25-10:40 |
Arya Iwantoro (UU) - Determining morphological stability of tidally-influenced bifurcations |
10:40-11:05 |
Poster pitches Zaiyang Zhou (TUD): Lateral flow and sediment transport due to groynes’ effects in a channel-shoal system Wouter Kranenburg (Deltares): Salt intrusion in the Rhine Meuse Delta: Estuarine circulation or tidal dispersion? Ana Colina Alonso (TUD): Understanding sand-mud interaction and its large-scale impact on tidal basins Maeve Daugharty (Nortek): High resolution echo sounder data from water surface to sea bed Paul Donkers (TUD): Influence of wind on estuarine circulation and sub-tidal salinity distribution Henk Schuttelaars (TUD): Morphodynamic equilibria and linear stability in tidal estuaries: Influence of Coriolis and planform geometry Donald Schuurman (UU): Impact of local cross-sectional area reduction by tidal barrage placement on estuarine hydro- and morphodynamics Steven Weisscher (UU): Building and raising land: mud and vegetation effects in infilling estuaries Rutger Siemes (UT): Modelling consequences of artificial structures on salt marsh dynamics in the Wadden Sea Roel de Goede (TUD): Regime shift in sediment concentrations in the Loire estuary Maurits Groenewegen (TUD): Morphological development of the Bollen van de Ooster: A potential hazard for Goeree-Overflakkee? Vera van Bergeijk (UT): Hydrodynamic modelling of wave overtopping flow over grass-covered dikes Quirijn Lodder (RWS): On the importance of net sediment transport capacity to Dutch Coastal Management Aaron Lynch (WUR): Influences of nutrient availability and precipitation on the growth of dune-building grasses Sasja van Rosmalen (WUR): Plant-sediment-human interactions along anthropogenic sandy shore Marijn Gelderland (UT): Living on the edge: quantifying physical dynamics controlling mangrove fringe dynamics Muriel Brückner (UU): Modelling of interactions between bioturbation and mud distribution reveals effects on large- scale estuarine morphology Johan van de Koppel (NIOZ): Building virtual estuarine ecosystems Floris van Rees (Deltares): Mangrove seedling survival in fluid mud and sand Hans van Hateren/Maarten Prins (VU): Identifying sediment transport mechanisms from grain size-shape distributions: application to an active coastal dune system (Kennemerduinen, the Netherlands) Sander Vos (TUD): Scan Experiment 2020 Unze van Buuren (VU): Spatio-temporal aeolian sand dispersal patterns in a coastal dune system, the Kennemerduinen (the Netherlands) Paran Pourteimouri (UT): Modelling airflow patterns around beach houses using computational fluid dynamics Yaron Huberts (UU): The impact of storms, wind and vegetation recovery on washover development on Rottumeroog, studied using high-resolution satellite imagery Eleftheria Kragiopoulou (IMDC): Estimating aeolian sand transport along the Belgian coast Roula Dambrink (NWO/TTW): ? |
11:05-11:45 |
Coffee and posters |
Session Estuaries and Tidal Basins. Chair: Nicolette Volp (TUD/Nelen & Schuurmans) |
11:45-12:00 |
Laurie van Gijzen (TUD) - Fine sediment transport pathways and connectivity in San Francisco South Bay |
12:00-12:15 |
Jasper Leuven (RHDHV) - Enhanced mud sedimentation to reduce turbidity and grow with sea-level rise |
12:15-12:30 |
Ymkje Huismans (Deltares) - Sediment redistribution mechanisms in deep pits of the Western Scheldt |
12:30-14:00 |
Lunch and posters |
Session Abiotic-Biotic relationships. Chair: Katja Philippart (NIOZ) |
14:00-14:15 |
Johan Damveld (UT) - Tidal sand waves and benthic organisms: observations and modelling of bio-physical interactions |
14:15-14:30 |
Loreta Cornacchia (NIOZ) - Vegetation-driven creek complexity promotes efficient sediment delivery in salt marshes |
14:30-14:45 |
Thomas van Veelen (Swansea Univ., UK) - Modelling wave damping by flexible salt marsh vegetation |
14:45-15:00 |
Mariska Hendriks (WMR) - A large-scale field experiment on salt marsh construction |
15:00-15:15 |
Gijs Hendrickx (TUD) - Predicting the survival of coral reefs |
15:15-15:30 |
Beselly Putra (IHE) - Drone-based ‘Structure-from-Motion’ (SfM) Photogrammetry Analysis of Mangrove Dynamics in the Prograding Delta in Porong, Indonesia |
15:30-16:15 |
Coffee and posters |
Session Aeolian transport and dunes. Chair: Filipe Galiforni Silva (UT) |
16:15-16:30 |
Daan Poppema (UT) - The effect of building geometry on aeolian deposition patterns: a field experiment |
16:30-16:45 |
Christa van IJzendoorn (TUD) - Are the Dutch dunes keeping up with sea level rise? |
16:45-17:00 |
Job Oude Vrielink (UT) - The impact of roughness elements on sediment fluxes in coastal dunes and dune valleys, solving the puzzle for Spanjaards Duin |
17:00-18:00 |
Drinks |
18:00-20:00 |
Conference dinner |
20:15 |
Bus transport from NIOZ to Den Burg Elemert and De Koog (via Hotel De Pelikaan) |
Friday, 20 March |
08:30 |
Bus transport from De Koog, via Hotel De Pelikaan and Den Burg Elemert (8:45), to NIOZ (9:00) |
Session Shoreface Dynamics. Chair: Maarten van der Vegt (UU) |
09:15-09:30 |
Bas Huisman (Deltares) - Sand redistribution mechanisms of shoreface nourishments: data, models and processes |
09:30-09:45 |
Bart Grasmeijer (Deltares) - Modelling of Annual Sand Transports at the Dutch Lower Shoreface |
09:45-10:00 |
Evelien Brand (VU Brussel) - Intertidal beach morphodynamics of the tide-dominated Belgian coast |
10:00-10:25 |
Poster pitches Abdel Nnafie (UU): Modelling shelf morphodynamics and shoreline change using a two-coupled model system Ype Attema (Svasek): XBeach modelling of Maasvlakte 2 coastal morphology aimed at predicting long term impact of on-the-beach wind turbines Laura Brakenhoff (UU): The effects of bedform roughness on hydrodynamics and sediment transport in Delft3D Joep van der Zanden (MARIN): Design optimization of a multifunctional floating breakwater Stuart Pearson (TUD): Sediment connectivity: a framework for analyzing coastal sediment transport pathways Rikke van der Grinten (Nortek): Extensive monitoring campaign at sandy lake beaches of Houtribdijk and Marker Wadden Alex Ionescu/Matthieu de Schipper (TUD): Large observed grain size variability around the Sand Engine Geert Campmans (UT): Modeling tidal sand wave dynamics in response to dredging interventions Roeland de Zeeuw (Shore M&R): Tendering and measurement innovation in integral monitoring of extremely shallow water embankments and bed level classification: Monitoring sandy reinforcement Houtribdijk Timothy Price (UU): The EURECCA project: How will waves and tides spread the sand mixture of the Prins Hendrikzanddijk? Bart Roest (KU Leuven): Growing dunes, eroding shoreface Filipe Galiforni Silva (UT): Ebb-shoal dynamics and its influence on the adjacent beach-dune system in Texel (NL) Martienke Baaij (WUR): Role of salt marsh vegetation in sedimentation and modelled wave attenuation (the Slufter, Texel) Maarten Prins (VU): Identifying sediment transport mechanisms from grain size-shape distributions: application to a secondary tidal inlet system (de Slufter, Texel, the Netherlands) Petra Goessen (HHNK): Slufter Texel – combined search for change indicators Job Dullaart (IVM-VU): Creating a global database with return periods of extreme sea levels caused by tropical and extratropical cyclones Lars de Ruig (IVM-VU): Evaluating reforms of the National Flood Insurance Program by integrating human behavior in a coastal flood risk analysis Bob Smits (Deltares): Can the Demak mangrove-mud coast keep up with relative sea level rise? Martijn Peters (UT): The effect of the slope angle on the failure of the grass revetment due to wave impact Koen Reef (UT): How do tidal divides affect the morphological evolution of tidal inlets? Frank Kok (RWS): Effective monitoring campaigns Pär Persson (CAB, Sweden): Coordination of coastal management and policymaking Rena Hoogland (RWS): How relative is relative sealevel change? |
10:25-11:15 |
Coffee and posters |
Session Shoreface Dynamics. Chair: Marije Smit (Witteveen+Bos) |
11:15-11:30 |
Anne Ton (TUD) - Morphological development of sandy beaches in low-energy, non-tidal environments |
11:30-11:45 |
Joost Kranenborg (UT) - A depth-resolving model for intraswash hydrodynamics and sediment transport |
11:45-12:00 |
Sebastiaan Haverkate (UU) - Nearshore bar dynamics of a nourished coast with respect to a neighboring natural coast (Egmond aan Zee) |
12:00-12:15 |
Marlies van der Lugt (Deltares) - Morphodynamic Modelling of Barrier Island Response to Hurricane Forcing |
12:15-13:30 |
Lunch, posters and lab excursions |
Session Sea-level change and coastal management. Chair: Ad van der Spek (Deltares) |
13:30-14:00 |
Keynote by Aimée Slangen (NIOZ) - Global and regional sea-level projections |
14:00-14:15 |
Floortje Roelvink (Deltares) - Coral Restoration for Coastal Hazard Risk Reduction |
14:15-14:30 |
Hesham Elmilady (IHE) - Investigating the long-term morphological evolution of intertidal shoals and SLR impact |
14:30-14:45 |
Richard Marijnissen (WMR) - The Sensitivity of a Dike-Marsh System to Sea-Level Rise – A Model-Based Exploration |
14:45-15:00 |
Nadia Bloemendaal (IVM-VU) - Estimation of Global Synthetic Tropical Cyclone Hazard Probabilities using the STORM dataset |
14:00-14:15 |
Jaap Nienhuis (UU) - For which sea-level-rise rate will barrier islands drown? |
15:15-15:30 |
Awards and closure |
15:45 |
Departure to ferry |
Excursion to Prins Hendrik Zanddijk (Wednesday)
The Prins Hendrikdijk at the southeast coast of Texel has recently been reinforced in an innovative way and turned into the Prins Hendrik Zanddijk, involving a seaward sandy extension with dunes and marshes. This has brought the dike in agreement with present safety standards, while creating new habitats. Mr Joël Verstoep (HHNK) will be the guide during this excursion.
The excursion will start and end at NIOZ, and will involve two half-hour walks.
Sprint session Kustgenese/SEAWAD
After the excursion you may join the hands-on sprint session on the field data collected during the Kustgenese/SEAWAD project. This project is a collaboration of Rijkswaterstaat, Deltares, TU Delft, University of Twente and Utrecht University. In 2017, these institutes organized a large-scale field campaign on the Ameland ebb-tidal delta in the North of the Netherlands, during which we measured waves, currents, benthos, bed composition and many other things across the entire delta. In October 2019, the entire data set became publicly available, so everyone can now freely use it. In this sprint session, we will give a more detailed overview of what we measured and how the data can be downloaded and analyzed. We will do this with some practical tutorials, so if you want to join, please bring your own laptop with either Matlab or Python running on it.
This edition of the NCK days is organized by Theo Gerkema and Nina Aalberts from Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ). If you have any questions, you can contact them by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The NCK days 2020 are co-financed by NWO/ENW.