Christiaan Brunings Lecture

3584 CL Utrecht, Netherlands
Invitation for the 1st Christiaan Brunings Lecture: 12 January 2016, 12.30-17.00 hr at Utrecht University
Theme: morphodynamics and sedimentology in estuaries
Estuaries harbour highly productive natural habitats and are of pivotal economic importance for food production, access to harbours and urban safety. Accelerating sea-level rise, changing river discharge and interference threaten these functions, but we lack fundamental understanding and models to predict combined effects of biomorphological interactions, inherited landscape and changing drivers.
- keynote lecture prof. James Best (Illinois) on bars and bedforms in the Columbia River estuary
- lecture dr. Jelmer Cleveringa (Arcadis) on bars and bedforms in the Western Scheldt
- Metronome tidal facility demonstration
100 seats available (admission free) for practitioners and scientists working on estuaries
More info and register at
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