Open Earth Sprint Session - Grain size data

Other events
Wednesday, 18 March 13:30 - 17:00
Oorsprongweg 1
1871 HA Schoorl, Netherlands
1871 HA Schoorl, Netherlands
As in previous years, prior to the 2015 NCK Days "Icebreaker", organizes a hands-on sprint session. In this sprint session, we will explain how to access and visualize some great, open-access, grain size datasets of the Dutch coast:
- Sediment Atlas WaddenZee (RWS): 7500(!) distribution curves[1] in Marsdiep-EmsDollard
- TNO 13.000(!) cores for the entire Dutch continental shelf[2] via NODC/SeaDataNet
- TNO dz10, dz50, dz90 maps with 200m resolution for the entire Dutch Continental Shelf[3]
- Along the Dutch beaches, grain sizes for dune safety assessment (RWS)
During this sprint session you’ll learn how to work with these free data in Matlab and/or Python. Bring your own laptop to work with the data, and take a copy home.
To register for this session, please send an email to Gerben de Boer, Van Oord / TU Delft, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;