Remote Sensing for the Coastal Zone

2312 BS, Netherlands
Note: registration is closed, but there are some last-minute spots available (send an e-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
Remote sensing is hot! Are you curious about the possibilities of remote sensing and how we apply it to the coast? Then sign up for the NCK theme day “Remote Sensing” on November 20th in the Wereldmuseum Leiden. Speakers from various companies and organizations will share how they use remote sensing. For example, it is used to monitor coastal behavior above and below water, but it also helps to monitor water quality and map ecosystems.
In the morning Chris Bremmer starts with a concise overview of satellites, sensors and techniques. Then we have in-depth presentations about Remote Sensing in different environments, including dunes (HKV), sandy coasts (Arjen Luijendijk), tidal ecosystems (Daphne van der Wal), but also turbidity (Tim Grandjean). Moreover the current capabilities and (near-)future perspectives (Erwin Bergsma) are discussed as well as the perspective on remote sensing by the industry (Sebastian Henrion & Cor Uiterwijk).
After lunch, there will be a round of pitches about inspiring innovations, with pitches from Marieke Eleveld (altimetry), Jaap Langemeijer (Global Water Watch), Petra Goessen (close-range remote sensing monitoring), Matthijs Gawehn (bathymetry estimation), Floris Calkoen (earth observation and the cloud), and the Province of Zuid-Holland (operational monitoring of aquatic vegetation).
This will be followed by a (partly interactive) panel discussion (with Evelien Brand, Kathelijne Wijnberg, Rosh Ranasinghe, Sebastian Henrion, and Erwin Bergsma) on the future of remote sensing (with a focus on application and policy).
This theme day is organized by: Etiënne Kras (Deltares), Matthijs Gawehn (Deltares), Timothy Price (Utrecht University), and Nienke Vermeer (NCK)