Knowledge development for Coastal Management and Maintenance (Kustlijnzorg)

3521 AL Utrecht, Netherlands
In the year 1990 a new coastal maintenance policy was introduced: the “dynamic preservation” of the coastline. This policy had the strategic objective “to guarantee a sustainable safety level and sustainable preservation of values and functions in the dune area” (Min V&W 2001). To reach this objective (now and in the future), coastal maintenance by nourishments is found to be necessary. Currently, approximately 12 Mm3 of sand is annually nourished using beach-, shoreface- and channel-nourishments. The coastal management and maintenance of the coast is part of the “kustlijnzorg” programme of Rijkswaterstaat.
Deltares collaborates with Rijkswaterstaat to develop knowledge needed to carry out an effective nourishment strategy (spatially and temporally). Deltares has organised this project ‘Knowledge for Primary Processes - Coastal Management and Maintenance’ (KPP BenO Kust) in a number of sub-projects, which are all involved in ‘understanding the (large scale) coastal system behaviour, in order to explain local (erosion) phenomena and define adequate management solutions’.
In order to link the project results to the actual nourishment practice of Rijkswaterstaat, the subprojects focus on the validation of a number of hypotheses on which the present nourishment strategy is based.
On the 5th of February (Friday) Rijkswaterstaat en Deltares would like to share with you the latest results and insights acquired within this project and we warmly invite you to join and discuss these results with us. We would like to end the day with a discussion about chances and possibilities for further substantiating the principles of the nourishment programme within the framework of the current knowledge development and current cooperation and networks (like NCK).
The Theme Day will be held in room 323 on the third floor of the Beatrix Theatre, Jaarbeursplein 6A, Utrecht.
Registration is required for all participants (including speakers) and can be done by sending an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please register before 29 January!
Preliminary programme:
09.30 - 10.00 | Enter |
10.00 - 10.10 | Welcome |
10.10 - 10.50 | Introduction to “Kustlijnzorg”: principles and set up of the knowledge programme by Quirijn Lodder & Laura Vonhögen-Peeters |
10.50 - 11.15 | Redistribution of nourished sand and the sediment balance of the Dutch Coast by Ad van der Spek |
11.15 - 11.35 | Coffee break |
11.35 - 12.00 | Morphodynamics of the -20 m NAP bed level contour by Tommer Vermaas |
12.00 - 12.25 | Case study Ameland by Kees Nederhoff |
12.25 - 13.25 | Lunch |
13.25 - 13.50 | Evaluation of nourishments, example of Heemskerk by Gemma Ramaekers, Rena Hoogland, Laura Vonhögen-Peeters & Renee de Bruijn |
13.50 - 14.15 | Nourishments considered from ecological point of view by Sophie Vergouwen |
14.15 - 14.30 | Break |
14.30 - 15.20 | Looking into the future: discussion about the (knowledge) programme, can we help each other? Discussion with all participants |
15.20 - 16.00 | Drinks |
Hoping to see you all,
Quirijn Lodder (RWS-WVL) and Laura Vonhögen-Peeters (Deltares)