The sediment balance of the Wadden Sea

2312 WC Leiden, The Netherlands
The sediment balance of the Wadden Sea: (in)stability of basins, islands and outer deltas.
Please note that participation is free, but registration is required. Click on the registration button to register for this event. Registration ends at Friday, September 26th.
Download the summary of the presentations of this theme day.
09:45-10:15 registration and coffee
10:20 opening
The outer delta
10:30-11:00 Ad van der Spek (Deltares): Morphodynamic development and sediment budget of the Dutch Wadden Sea over the last century.
11:00-11:30 Wim Ridderinkhof (IMAU): Influence of the back-barrier basin length on the geometry of ebb-tidal deltas.
11:30-12:00 Jacobus Hofstede (MELUR, Schleswig-Holstein): The Wadden Sea out of hydromorphological steady state – some theoretical considerations.
12:00-13:00 lunch
Exchange between basins
13:00-13:30 Maximiliano Sassi (NIOZ): SPM modelling in the Dutch Wadden Sea.
13:30-14:00 Thijs van Kessel (Deltares): Exchange of suspended sediment between the North Sea and Wadden Sea: implications for the sediment balance.
14:00-14:30 break
The basin as a whole
14:30-15:00 Rick Hoeksema (RWS): Adaptive strategy for safety.
15:00-15:30 Pieter Roos (Univ. Twente): Observations of barrier island length explained using an exploratory morphodynamic model of multiple inlet systems
15:30-16:15 closure & drinks
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