Sediment Sorting

2629 HD Delft, Netherlands
The summary of this symposium is now available!
Orginal announcement below
On Thursday, the 11th of January a NCK symposium entitled 'Impact of bed sediment composition on the environment' will be organised in the Art-Centre in Delft. The symposium will focus on the bed composition of the Dutch coast and the relevant abiotic and biotic processes in general. Two keynotes, by Steven Degraer (University of Ghent) and Maarten Kleinhans (University of Utrecht) will set the scene and several reseachers and PhD-students will share their insight and latest findings. The preliminary programme for the day is as follows:
9:15 Welcome and introduction by Martin Baptist & Bas Huisman
9:30 Keynote by Steven Degraer (University of Ghent): About sediments and marine life: A clear cut and tight relationship?
10:15 Session 1 : Bed sediment composition of the Dutch coast :
- Stuart Pearson (TU Delft):
Sediment connectivity and Transport Pathways as a Function of Grain Size
- Harriette Holzhauer (Univ. Twente/Deltares):
Ecology and bed composition of the Amelander Zeegat
- Bas Huisman (TU Delft/Deltares):
Relevance of suspension sorting at the lower shoreface of the Sand Motor
11:15 Coffee
11:30 Session 2: Relevance of the abiotic environment for marine ecology
- Eelke Folmer (NIOZ):
Sediment composition and benthos communities in the intertidal Dutch Wadden Sea
- Marjolein Post (WMR):
Sediment preference of juvenile flatfish
- Marin van Regteren (WMR):
Oligochaetes in muddy sediments
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Keynote by Maarten Kleinhans (Utrecht University): Sorting out estuaries: similar effects of bed armouring and inherited cohesive layers
14:15 Session 3: Bed sediment composition monitoring & modelling
- Joep van der Zanden (Univ. Twente):
Cross-shore sediment sorting: laboratory experiments and numerical modelling
- Helena van der Vegt (TU Delft):
The selective preservation of sediment supply in deltas
- Bas Borsje (Univ. Twente):
Bed level changes at saltmarsh-mudflat transitions
15:15 Panel discussion
16:00 Drinks
17:00 Closing
You can register for this NCK symposium by clicking the green button on top of this page. Registration is free of charge. We kindly request you to inform us when you want to cancel your registration at a later stage because of the catering.