Sediment management in deltas

3133 AK Vlaardingen, Netherlands
Summary of the afternoon is available here.
Original announcement below:
Implications and challenges of disturbed sediment continua for society
River to the coastal sea sediment continua are disturbed, globally. Several river-sea-systems are short of sediment mostly due to damming. This causes dramatic impacts such as drowning deltas. Scientists and stakeholders should team-up urgently in research and innovation to find solutions. This symposium addresses the status in the Rhine/Meuse – North Sea system. Furthermore, the DANUBIUS-RI research infrastructure (RI) is presented as disturbed sediment continua may become a key research topic in this RI. The symposium also aims to gain support and ingredients for drafting of a sediment continuum call text to promote as topic under EC FP9, i.e. the follow-up of Horizon 2020.
Preliminary program
09.00 – 09.30 Registration, coffee and tea
09.30 – 09.45 Welcome and introduction central theme of the day by Esther Stouthamer (UU) and Ad van der Spek (Deltares/UU)
09.45 – 10.05 Late Holocene sediment budget of the Rhine-Meuse delta by Kim Cohen (UU/Deltares)
10.05 – 10.25 Modern changes in bed elevation and texture in the Upper Rhine delta by Astrid Blom (TUD)
10.25 – 10.45 Sediment balance of the downstream river branches in the Rhine-Meuse delta by Ton Hoitink (WUR) and Ymkje Huismans (Deltares)
10.45 – 11.15 Coffee/tea break
11.15 – 11.35 Sediment balance of the Dutch coastal area by Ad van der Spek (Deltares/UU)
11.35 – 11.55 Governance of estuaries in practice by Jill Slinger (TUD)
11.55 – 12.15 Challenges in implementing EU policies in the river-sea transition zone by Marleen van Rijswick (UU)
12.15 – 13.15 Lunch
13.15 – 13.45 Future sediment fluxes in deltas worldwide by Frances Dunn (Southampton University)
13.45 – 14.05 Research Infrastructures (RIs): what is in for scientists and how to engage by Marc de Jonge (NWO)
14.05 – 14.35 DANUBIUS-RI: the new, pan-European RI for river-sea systems by Jos Brils (Deltares)
14.35 – 14.45 Instructions parallel workshops
14.45 – 15.30 Workshop 1: How to involve Dutch universities and research institutes in DANUBIUS-RI?
14.45 – 15.30 Workshop 2: How to realize a FP9 sediment continuum call?
15.30 – 16.00 Presentation workshop results and wrap up
16.00 – 17.15 Drinks
This day will be free to attend, but registration is necessary. Please register at the NCR website by clicking the green registration button on top of this page.
This themeday is jointly organised by NCK and NCR. The organisational committee is formed by:
Esther Stouthamer (Utrecht University/NCR)
Ad van der Spek (Deltares/Utrecht University/NCK)
Jos Brils (Deltares/DANUBIUS-RI)