NCK Days 2022

NCK days
Wednesday, 16 March - Friday, 18 March
De Grolsche Veste - De Grolsch Veste, Elsbeekweg, Enschede, Overijssel, Netherlands
7521 PP, Netherlands

The NCK days in the Grolsch Veste stadium were a great success! The University of Twente hosted the 30th edition of the NCK days with 3 international keynotes, over 30 oral presentations and more than 40 posters. Over 150 participants enjoyed this first real-life conference in a long time. A special mention goes to Vera van Bergeijk (UT, now Deltares) for winning the Best Presentation award and to Tjitske Kooistra (NIOZ) for winning the Best Poster award. 

You can still check the inspiring abstracts at this page!

NCK days A


General information

The NCK days 2022 are going live! It’s short notice, but with the latest developments we are now happy to inform you that the NCK days 2022 will take place on Thursday 17 and Friday 18 March in the Grolsch Veste stadium in Enschede*. On Wednesday 16 March we organize a full-day excursion to the Waterloopbos and Schokland. On Wednesday evening, we organize an ice-breaker at Stanislaus Brewskovitch in the city centre of Enschede. More information on the program, the ice-breaker and the fieldtrip can be found below. Moreover, this is the 30th anniversary of the NCK Days and with the help of many sponsors we are looking forward to a special event reminiscing the past and exploring the future. With the recently published IPCC assessment report in mind and with an eye on our future in the Netherlands, the theme of the NCK Days 2022 is “Coastal Adaptation to Climate Change: Fight or Flight?”.

*Given the latest Covid regulations, there will be no entry requirements or other restrictions. The venue is very spacious and allows for distancing.


Registration & accommodation

To register for the NCK days 2022 click the registration button on top of this page. You can register for both days (EUR 125) or a single day (EUR 75), as well as for the conference dinner (EUR 50) and the excursion (EUR 30). Payment instructions are provided via the registration website. Please make sure to enter all compulsory fields as we need this information for your conference badges. Registration closes on 4 March, so please register as soon as possible!

We have also arranged a discounted rate with three hotels that are located close to the conference venue or in town. 

Fletcher Hotel De Broeierd
Hengelosestraat 725, Enschede
Located close to the conference venue!
- a 10-minute walk to the venue
Luxury room (double): € 97,50
Breakfast: € 13,50
Reference code: 105-GFC2197
Deadline: 10 March 2022
Booking method: By email or phone
Upark Enschede
De Veldmaat 8, Enschede
Located on our campus!
- direct busses (15 min), or a 25-minute walk to the conference venue
Comfort room (double): € 84,50
Superior room (double): € 94,50
Superior twin room: € 100,00
Breakfast: € 15,50
Reference code: Congres NCK 2022
Deadline: 28 February 2022
Booking method: By email or phone
Intercity hotel Enschede
Willem Wilminkplein 5, Enschede
Located in town, next to the railway station!
- direct trains to the conference venue (10 min)
Single room, including breakfast: € 102,50 (incl. breakfast)
Double room, including breakfast (2 persons): € 121,50 (incl. breakfast)
Deadline: 28 February 2022
Method of booking: docxReservation form


Getting there

The NCK days 2022 will take place in Hatrans Plaza in the Grolsch Veste, Colosseum 65 in Enschede. The conference venue is conveniently located next to the Enschede Kennispark railway station. Directions by public transport and car are provided on the website of the Grolsch Veste.

The icebreaker will take place at Stanislaus Brewskovitch, Stadsgravenstraat 59 in Enschede. This venue is in walking distance from the Enschede railway station.

The dinner will take place in the Grolsch Veste with a nice view on the FC Twente football pitch!


Book of Abstracts

To reduce our footprint, we will not hand out hardcopies of the Book of Abstracts. Links to the abstracts are provided in the program below and a digital book of abstracts (PDF) is available as well.   


Keynote Speakers

Dr. Ad van der Spek (Deltares): History & Future of NCK
Dr. Alice Lefebvre (MARUM, University of Bremen): Geomorphology of subaqueous dunes
Dr. Gonéri le Cozannet (BRGM – French Geological Survey): Coastal adaptation to climate change and sea-level rise: what is new in the IPCC 6th Assessment report?



Wednesday 16 March 2022

  Excursion Waterloopbos & Schokland
8.00 Meeting at railway station Enschede Kennispark
8.15 Bus departs from Enschede Kennispark
9.45 Meeting at railway station Zwolle Centraal zuidzijde (Hanzelaan in front of grand café Lubeck)
10.00 Bus departs from Zwolle Centraal
10.30 Arrival Waterloopbos (Voorsterweg 34, Marknesse)
13.15 Lunch (at Proeflab)
14.15 Bus departs from Waterloopbos
14.30 Arrival Schokland (intersection Vluchthavenpad/Oude Emmeloorderweg, Schokland)
16.30 Bus departs from Schokland
18.00 Arrival Enschede Kennispark
20.00 Ice-breaker at Stanislaus Brewskovitch, Stadsgravenstraat 59, Enschede


Thursday 17 March 2022

08.30 Registration
09.15 Opening
  Suzanne Hulscher & Jebbe van der Werf
09.30 Keynote 1
  Ad van der Spek: History & Future of NCK
10.00 Poster session 1 - intro
10.05 Poster session 1 & coffee break
  1. Yoeri Dijkstra: A classification of salt transport regimes in narrow estuaries, with application to the Rotterdam Waterway
2. Laura Portos-Amill: Barrier islands face a gradual path toward drowning under most sea level rise scenarios
3. Sanne Vaassen: How turbating lugworms and stabilizing seagrasses shape the morphology of a Wadden Sea tidal basin
4. Rutger Siemes: Assessing short-term estuarine development after large-scale interventions:
An idealised model study

5. Dieuwke Maas: Settings of exploratory process-based modelling of estuarine sand dunes
6. Tjitske Kooistra: Benthos-sand interactions in the context of an ebb-tidal delta nourishment
8. Feliks Raap: Quantification of morphological changes on ebb-tidal deltas using satellite derived bathymetry
9. Bram Loef: Modeling mud-induced wave damping with Delft3D and SWAN-Mud
10. Stan Oerlemans: Image-based beach state classification using convolutional neural networks (CNN)
11. Manuel Teixeira Manion: Exploration of the dynamics of mega nourishments with a cellular automata model
12. Christa van IJzendoorn: How vertical grain size layering at the beach surface affects aeolian sediment transport
13. Benedikt Aschenneller: Detecting coastline change drivers from a combination of satellite radar altimetry and optical remote sensing (Terschelling, the Netherlands)
14. Bart van Westen: Developing a generic framework for coupled modelling of foreshore, beach and dune interaction
16. Thomas van Veelen: Sandbanks on non-erodible layers: Grow or go?
17. Emil de Borger: Footprint: effects of offshore wind farms on sediments in the Coastal North Sea
18. Irene Benito Lazaro: An efficient multi-scale modelling framework for assessment of coastal flood events
19. Laura Brakenhoff: Effects of sea level rise on the maintenance of the Dutch coast
20. Tynke Siegersma: Modelling pioneer vegetation establishment at constructed salt marshes from seasons to decades
11.00 Session 1 - Nature-based Solutions. Chair: Greg Fivash (NIOZ)
  Jennifer Derijckere: Initial development of an artificial dune: Dune-in-front-of-a-dike site Ostend Oosteroever - Belgium
Glenn Strypsteen: Predicting multi-monthly growth of an artificial dune
Pim Willemsen: Understanding retreat and expansion of salt marshes by modelling the variability of the salt marsh edge under influence of waves and sediment availability
Lauren Wiesebron: Intertidal flat alterations enhance their ecological value
Sebrian Beselly Putra: Simulation of the Mangrove-Mudflat Dynamics with A New Coupled Individual-Based Mangrove-Morphodynamic Model
Gijs Hendrickx: Estuarine sensitivity to salt intrusion mitigation measures
Martijn klein Obbink: Multi-fraction sediment sorting and entrainment at the Prins Hendrikzanddijk
Mick van der Wegen & Maarten van der Vegt: New Elan NCK
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Keynote 2
  Alice Lefebvre:  Geomorphology of subaqueous dunes
14.00 Session 2 - Estuaries & Tidal Basins 1. Chair: Pieter Roos (UT)
  Henk Schuttelaars: Morphodynamic Equilibria in Double-Inlet Systems
Stuart Pearson: New Techniques for Mapping Ebb-Tidal Delta Morphodynamics and Stratigraphy
Jill Hanssen: How is the cross-shore shape of tidal flats affected by accommodation space, hydrodynamic and sediment characteristics?
Roeland van de Vijsel: Regime shifts in river deltas
Reinier Schrijvershof: A synthetic representative tidal signal for long-term morphological modelling
15.00 Coffee break
15.30 Session 3 - Beaches & Dunes 1. Chair: Marion Tissier (TUD)
  Jelle Woerdman: Spatial variability in hydrodynamic conditions and its implications for sand transport along a nourishment in mixed wave-current conditions
Anne Ton: Field observations and model simulations of longshore transport on low-energy, non-tidal beaches in lake Markermeer
Sara Dionisio Antonio: Large-scale laboratory experiments: Beach slope influence on sediment transport processes in the swash zone at event scale
Joost Kranenborg: Depth-resolved modelling of water and sediment fluxes in the swash zone
Bas Huisman: Unravelling 10 years morphology of the Sand Motor and Delfland coast
16.30 Stadium tour
17.30 Drinks
18.00 Dinner


Friday 18 March 2022

08.30 Registration
09.00 Session 4 - Estuaries & Tidal Basins 2. Chair: Lodewijk de Vet (Deltares)
  Marcio Boechat Albernaz: MUSA – Physical experiments to quantify Mud-Sand interactions in determining erosion parameters
Jianwei Sun: The fate of sediment from source to sink in two different tidal flat environments
Jeancarlo Fajardo Urbina: Lagrangian transport time scales in the Dutch Wadden Sea: variability due to wind forcing
Juliana Tavora: Long-term earth observation of spatial and temporal variability of Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) related to river discharge and winds in the Scheldt Estuary
Bouke Biemond: Estuarine recovery time after a freshwater pulse
10.00 Poster session 2 - intro
10.05 Poster session 2 & coffee break
  1. Wessel van der Sande: The effect of SIPS on estuarine sand dunes: a stability approach
2. Sarah Dzimballa: Feedbacks between Estuarine Morphology and Mangrove Dieback and Recovery in the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia
3. Marco Rozendaal: The relationship between linearized 3D and 2DH models in tidally dominated estuaries
4. Iris Niesten: Residual sediment transport in a stratified estuarine channel
5. Marco Schrijver: Hydrodynamic conditions on an accreting intertidal flat in the Western Scheldt
6. Hendrik Jongbloed: Salt dispersion at two tidal channel junctions: Data analysis
7. Paula Lambregts: Sediment bypassing at Ameland inlet and the role of an ebb-tidal delta nourishment
8. Xiuqi Wang: Numerical modelling of aeolian sand transport on moist beach in different scales
9. Jorn Bosma: Sediment transport and sorting processes at a back-barrier beach nourishment
10. Roel Hoegen: Effect of waves, tides and spatial heterogeneity of bed sediment on sediment transport and initial erosion-deposition patterns at a new dike in a mixed-energy coastal environment
11. Sierd de Vries: Grain size evolution and armour layer development at mega nourishments
12. Jantien Rutten: Field observations of wave reflection during dune attack
13. Niels Smit: Interaction between vegetation and aeolian sediment transport in coastal dune systems, a modelling approach
14. Bart Roest: Decadal morphological evolution of the Belgian west-coast
15. Ruurd Jaarsma: Exploring the potential of the Nortek Eco, an affordable and portable current profiler
16. Rens van der Meijden: Shifting Sands: Developing new measurement methodologies in GIS to analyse the spatial variability of tidal sand wave migration on the Netherlands Continental Shelf
17. Giordano Lipari: Storm surges in an idealized tidal channel: a power criterion for the unsteady bed shear stress
19. Anna-Maartje de Boer: Development of luminescence imaging to trace Wadden Sea nourishment sand
20. Henrike Maris: Wide Green Dike (WGD) concept for grass revetment under coastal conditions
21. Annelies Boerema: What are ecological and societal benefits of different coastal nature-based solutions?
11.00 Keynote 3
  Gonéri le Cozannet:  Coastal adaptation to climate change and sea-level rise: what is new in the IPCC 6th Assessment report?
11.30 Session 5 - Beaches & Dunes 2. Chair: Timothy Price (UU)
  Math van Soest: Providing instant feedback in coastal citizen science: automated geo-rectification of smartphone images and shoreline detection
Petya Petrova: A global remote-sensing assessment of the mobility of coastal dunes
Bart Grasmeijer: Sediment balance of the Noord-Holland coast
Elham Bakhshianlamouki: Building the socio-biophysical cognitive model of sandy anthropogenic shores (SAS) in the Netherlands
Daan Poppema: Modelling sediment dynamics around buildings in a cellular automaton model
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Session 6 - Coastal Hazards & Climate-proof Coastal Protection. Chair: Laura Brakenhoff (RWS)
  Gerben Ruessink: Geomorphological evolution of excavated foredune notches
Stefan Pluis: Exploring System-based Nourishment Strategies for Texel Southwest
Kim van den Hoven: The influence of foreshore dimensions on dike breach consequences: a flume study
Vera van Bergeijk: The wave overtopping flow over grass-covered flood defences
Job Dullaart: Enabling dynamic modelling of global coastal flooding by defining storm tide hydrographs
Robert McCall: Improvements and validation of XBeach for the safety assessment of the Dutch coast: Part 1, hydrodynamics
Robbin van Santen: Improvements and validation of XBeach for the safety assessment of the Dutch coast: Part 2, morphodynamics
15.00 Closure & Awards
15.30 Drinks


Excursion Waterloopbos & Schokland

On Wednesday we will visit two exciting locations that give an insight in the history of the NCK and the water engineering practice in the Netherlands in general.

The first part of the excursion will be at the ‘Waterloopbos’. This was the famous open air laboratory, in which WL | Delft Hydraulics have developed and tested many different hydraulic structures, such as the Delta works. After a delicious lunch (included), a guided tour by former employees of the laboratory will show us all the old scale models in the forest.


The tour starts around 10:00am at the NS station Zwolle, where you will be picked up. After the tour we will drive directly towards Enschede. We aim to be in Enschede well on time for dinner, and the icebreaker.

The second stop will be at the Schokland World Heritage site, which is an former island in the middle of the Noordoostpolder. A guided tour will show us the geological, archaeological and ecological remnants of the former island.




This edition of the NCK days is organised by the University of Twente. If you have any questions, you may contact us through This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone via 053-4891212.

We’re looking forward to meeting you all in real life again in Enschede!

Jebbe van der Werf, on behalf of the organizing committee



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