NCK Days 2023

NCK days
Wednesday, 29 March - Friday, 31 March
Theater De Veste - 1, Asvest, City Centre, Delft, South Holland, Netherlands
2611 PK, Netherlands

Towards more diverse approaches in Coastal Engineering&Sciences

The NCK Days 2023 will be held from 29-31 March 2023 in Theatre De Veste in Delft. On Wednesday we will visit the Maasvlakte and Springertduinen. We'll be inspired by two keynote speakers: Fernando Mendez and Wouter van der Heij.

Coastal engineering changed over the last decades from shortening our coastlines and building barriers to engineering solutions with sand nourishments, rebuilding seagrass meadows and diversifying foreshores. The coastal management toolbox is getting bigger. However, is it already big and diverse enough? Are all tools sufficiently tested? Are new tools needed? Is our knowledge sufficient for applying available tools?

In the upcoming NCK conference, we are looking for the wide variety of coastal engineering solutions and the science that is needed to support new approaches. We welcome contributions covering field work, numerical modelling, conceptualization, lab experiments, best-practices, etc. for the full coastal system with its estuaries, beaches, mangroves and coastal seas. In addition to case studies in the Netherlands, we warmly welcome contributions from areas outside the Netherlands. We aim to touch on the question whether our approaches are already diverse enough and whether our knowledge and future research plans contribute to making our coasts ready for upcoming climate change.

The individual abstracts are linked below. The Book of Abstracts is available in pdfpdf and html.



Wednesday 29 March 2023
11:45 Excursion Springertduinen and Maasvlakte. Gathering at Stevinweg 1, Delft (Faculty of Civil Engineering).
12:00 Bus departs from Stevinweg
12:45 Arrival at Maasvlakte, start excursion
14:15 Bus departs for second stop at Springertduinen
14:45 Arrival at Springertduinen, start excursion
16:15 Bus return to Delft
17:00 Arrival at Stevinweg 1, Delft
20:00 - 22:00 Icebreaker at Mooie Boules, Delft
Thursday 30 March 2023
08:30 - 09:15 Registration
09:15 - 09:30 Opening by Bram van Prooijen (Delft University of Technology)
09:30 - 10:00 Keynote 1: Fernando J. Méndez Incera (University of Cantabria): Incorporating Data Science and Climate in Coastal Engineering.
10:00 - 11:00 Poster session 1 and Coffee 
  Elham Bakhshianlamouki: Using Agent-Based modelling to explore human impact on sandy beaches in the Netherlands
Vincent Bax: The social response to coastal realignment: results from three project locations in the Southwest delta, the Netherlands
Jesse Bootsma: The role of vegetated intertidal areas for salt intrusion mitigation
Bart Roest: Cross-shore Distribution of Alongshore Sediment Transport in a Macro-tidal Environment
Johan Damveld: Footprint: first results of a three-vessel offshore windfarm sampling campaign
Cato de Hullu: The effect of sediment grain size on dune erosion: a field experiment
Jaco de Smit: Geen Zee Te Hoog: Anticipating for accelerating sea level rise in the spatial design of land-water transitions via a participative design process
Tim de Wilde: Connectivity of sand mining regions in San Francisco Bay estimated using SedTRAILS
Floris de Wit: Stochastic results from deterministic wave-resolving models
Sarah Dzimballa: Biogeomorphological Evolution of Salt Marshes under Natural Conditions and the Influence of Artificial Structures on Marsh Resilience
Greg Fivash: The origin of patterns on tidal flats and their role in marsh expansion
Philippe Frankemolle: Lower shoreface sand transport: offshore or onshore?
Christa van IJzendoorn: A framework to unify academic and applied approaches in coastal research and engineering
Steven Haarbosch: The influence of bivalve shells on sediment transport: an experimental flume study
Rik Houthuys: Longer-term morphological evolution of the Belgian coast in relation with the nearshore shelf
Ymkje Huismans: The impact of sea level rise and a changing discharge on salt intrusion in the Rhine Meuse Estuary
Tjitske Kooistra: How SANDsitive are seafloor animals in the Wadden Sea? Quantifying sandification sensitivity of Wadden Sea benthic communities
Marit Lambers: How vegetated foreshores can contribute to limiting dike dimensions of sea dikes: a case study into the assessment and design procedure of including the quantitative effect of the foreshore in the flood defence system
Stuart Pearson: Tracing Sand Nourishment Dispersal by Modelling Light Exposure History
Victoria Mason: Unravelling the drivers of salt marsh cliff initiation
Robert McCall: Key research required for the safety assessment of the Dutch sandy coast
Marco Moretto: Large scale coastline modelling in Belgium for design and quick assessment of coastline adaptation
Jill Hanssen: The impact of tidal creeks on the morphology of a tidal flat
Iris Niesten: Effect of sea level rise and artificial deepening on peak water levels in deep tidal channels
Daan Poppema: Millimeter-scale beach topography measured with structure-from motion photogrammetry
Laura Portos Amill: Quantifying the effects of bedforms on basin-scale hydrodynamics
Eleonora Saccon: Duration of saltwater intrusion shapes freshwater trees’ response to salt stress
Rutger Siemes: Estuarine salt-intrusion affected by changing channel depth and intertidal width
Manuel Teixera Manion: Conceptualizing aeolian sediment transport modes in a bio-geomorphological cellular automata model of the beach-dune system
Vera van Bergeijk: Probabilistic design of green sea dike revetments: required thickness for revetment of local clay
Sytze van Heteren: Seabed sediment: from hand-drawn map to AI-generated model
Niels Van Kuik: Multi-annual research program Management and Maintenance of the Dutch Coast
Thomas van Veelen: Unravelling sediment deposition in pioneer salt marshes through flume experiments
Nicollete Volp: The method that despises the little is not worthy of the great: Dealing with the patchiness of vegetational effects on large scale flow.
Feteme Ebrahimi Erami: Field observations of turbulent flow patterns and salinity variations in a stratified scour hole
11:00 - 12:30 Session 1: Coastal risk & management – Chair: Laura Brakenhoff
11:00 - 11:12 Anouk de Bakker: Integrated coastal management strategy for the Saint-Louis region, Senegal
11:13 - 11:25 Renske de Winter: How to explore the solution space of sandy strategies under accelerated sea-level rise
11:26 - 11:38 Marisol Irias Mata: A numerical flume for the pressures on clay erosion profiles for the Wide Green Dike
11:39 - 11:51 Tosca Kettler: Simulating impacts of nourishment scenarios on decadal cross-shore dynamics
11:52 - 12:04 Quirijn Lodder: International Guidelines on Natural and Nature-Based Features for Flood Risk Management
12:05 - 12:17 Abigail Schiller: Visualising past landscapes to combat shifting baselines
12:18 - 12:30 Wietse van de Lageweg: Coastal engineering benefits of sand nourishments at the shores of Walcheren (Southwest delta, the Netherlands)
12:25 - 13:15 Lunch
13:15 - 14:45 Session 2: Estuaries – Chair: Stuart Pearson
13:15 - 13:27 Bouke Biemond: Salt intrusion in the Rhine-Meuse Delta under different river discharge scenarios
13:28 - 13:40 Ana Colina Alonso: Improving morphodynamic modelling using sand-mud interaction and morphologic metrics
13:41 - 13:53 Tim Grandjean: Unravelling the morphodynamic and ecological functioning of tidal flats
13:54 - 14:06 Aditi Mitra: Dutch Wadden Sea as an Event-driven System:  A Numerical Perspective
14:07 - 14:19 Pieter Roos: New concept of inlet connectivity helps understand role of tidal divides in double inlet systems
14:20 - 14:32 Tim van Engelen: Long-term forecasting of dredging volumes in the Borndiep tidal basin
14:33 - 14:45 Julia Vroom: What are the causes for the unexpected high dredging volumes in the navigation channel Boontjes in the Wadden Sea?
14:45 - 15:15 Coffee break
15:15 - 16:45 Session 3: Subtidal & Offshore – Chair: Johan Damveld
15:15 - 15:27 Julie Pietrzak: Tidal plume fronts and recirculation in the near field Rhine River Plume during typical and extremely low river discharge conditions
15:28 - 15:40 Jeancarlo Fajardo Urbina: Spatio-temporal Variability of the Lagrangian Transport in the Dutch Wadden Sea
15:41 - 15:53 Sem Geerts: Influence of SFCR on Longshore Sediment Transport at the Belgian coast
15:54 - 16:06 David Hartmann: Nearshore bathymetry estimation at Puerto Rico from Sentinel-2 and hyperspectral PRISMA imagery using machine learning
16:07 - 16:19 Simeon Moons: What happened to the sandpit?
16:20 - 16:32 Pauline Overes: Efficient Modelling of Sand Wave Field Dynamics for Offshore Engineering Activities
16:33 - 18:00 Launch of Young NCK: walk and surprise
18:00 - late Dinner at Restaurant Knus
Friday 31 March 2023
08:30 - 09:00 Registration
09:00 - 09:10 Opening by Bram van Prooijen (Delft University of Technology)
09:10 - 09:40 Keynote 2: Wouter van der Heij: Fish Migration River - What happens when a fish ecologist and a civil engineer start talking about a hole in the Afsluitdijk?
09:40 - 10:45 Poster Session 2 and coffee
  Ype Attema: The importance of 2D effects on dune erosion during the 2022 winter storms at Maasvlakte II
Jadon Beerlandt: Investigating Hydrogeological Feedback Mechanisms During Artificial Dune Development
Jan Boersma: Shoreface-connected sand ridges strongly affect decadal coastline evolution in a coupled shelf-shoreline system forced by waves and tides
Marloes Bonenkamp: Long-Term Morphological Modelling of Tidal Inlet Systems: Implementing Salt Marshes in ASMITA
Jorn Bosma: Initial development of a poorly sorted back-barrier beach nourishment
Marco Bouchat Albernaz: Sand Wing: Feasibility study towards sustainable sandbank maintenance
Laura Brakenhoff: Context and framework of the recent and future coastal management toolbox
Jochem Caspers: Hydraulic load model for the Dutch coast
Giovanni Cecconi: The Power and Limit of Building with Nature for the Venice Community
Bart de Maerschalck: SCALDIS COAST: A numerical modelling of 10-year for long-term morphology in the surfzone of the belgian coast using the telemac-mascaret system
Ibnu Faizal: Biophysical Controls on Pollution Flows in Coral Reef MPAs
Jing Feng: The response of dominant vegetation species in saltmarsh to changes of inundation frequency
Wouter Gerats: Understanding coastal response to sea level rise in Northern Italy: a two-sided approach
Jos Muller: Quantifying erosion of saltmarshes under storm conditions in a Living Dike
Chris Hoogervorst: Exploring multimodal wave conditions relevant to coastal processes on the Dutch shoreface
Joanne Jenine Naidoo: Development of tidal flats under sea level rise
Henk Jongbloed: Influence of channel bathymetry on subtidal salt transport processes and salt intrusion in single channel systems
Alexa Leone: Predicting morphodynamic long-term changes along the southern Rhode Island, USA, shoreline in the next decades
Wout Ploeg: Understanding the Western Wadden Sea in terms of inlet connectivity: an exploratory modelling approach
Laura Coumou: A close look at the beach and dune sand for the Vlieland beach nourishment
Elien Sipma: Modelling salt marsh dynamics for coastal safety by Living Dikes, a research approach
Juliana Tavora Bertazo Pereira: Detecting turbid coastal features with satellite Earth Observation
Archontoula Valsamidou: Patterned coastal peatland ecosystems facing sea-level rise
Falco van Bakel: Dissemination of structurally monitored and up-to-date abiotic data in the Wadden Sea through a Digital System Reporting tool
Kim van den Hoven: Connecting dikes and vegetated foreshores at managed realignments
Bart Grasmeijer: Coupled evolution of hydrodynamics and morphology in the western Dutch Wadden Sea
Niels van Kouwen: Quantifying complex relations between spit growth and its hydrodynamic drivers, in non-tidal, wind-dominated lake environments. Application to the Marker Wadden
Floris van Rees: Guano-mediated island genesis in the Dutch Waddensea
Sasja van Rosmalen: Recreation impact on the establishment of dune building species
Bart Verheyen: Coastal Vision: Assessing a long term coastal protection strategy for the Belgian Coast
Toon Verwaest: MOZES: Research on the Morphological Interaction between the Sea Bottom and the Belgian Coastline
Tess Wegman: Preliminary analysis of salt intrusion observations during the extreme drought of 2022
Jakolien Leenders: Pathway analysis to support long-term coastal management
Xiuqi Wang: A numerical study of aeolian sediment transport affected by moisture, using discrete element modelling
Johan van de Koppel: Visual modelling of the development of a managed-realignment project
10:45 - 12:15 Session 4: Ecology – Chair: Valérie Reijers
10:45 - 10:57 Jan-Markus Homberger: Response of dune-building grasses to summer precipitation
10:58 - 11:10 Marte Stoorvogel: The effect of vegetation, sediment properties and inundation duration on the build-up of soil stability in salt marshes
11:11 - 11:23 Roeland van de Vijsel: Optimal wave reflection as a mechanism for seagrass self-organization
11:24 - 11:36 Marinka van Puijenbroek: Biocompacting livestock accelerate drowning of tidal salt marshes with sea level rise
11:37 - 11:49 Brenda Walles: Preserving estuarine foraging habitats for shorebirds through sand nourishments
11:50 - 12:02 Zhengquan Zhou: Benthic macrofauna under extreme weather events: unraveling the response strategies from individual behavior to community structure in tidal flats
12:03 - 12:15 Luka Jaksic:  Potential ecosystem effects of large upscaling of offshore wind in the North Sea
12:10 - 13:00 Lunch 
13:00 - 14:30 Session 5: Beaches and Dunes 1 – Chair: Glenn Strypsteen
13:00 - 13:12 Casper Bakker: High-resolution grain size analysis using photos
13:13 - 13:25 Jennifer Derijckere: The effect of brushwood fences and marram grass on initial dune development
13:26 - 13:38 Anna Kroon: Parameter uncertainty in ShorelineS predictions of the Hondsbossche Dunes
13:39 - 13:51 Emilia Zygarlowska: Particle motion in the nearshore zone of sandy beaches- quantifying the role of horizontal and vertical processes
13:52 - 14:04 Dano Roelvink: Longshore transport by tides and waves
14:05 - 14:17 Anne Ton: Sandy beaches in low-energy, non-tidal environments: Beaches of the Markermeer and IJsselmeer
14:18 - 14:30 Roy van Weerdenburg: Flume modelling to investigate the erosion of sand-mud mixtures under currents and waves in the laboratory and in Delft3D
14:30 - 15:00 Coffee break
15:00 - 16:00 Session 6: Beaches and Dunes 2 – Chair: Paul Bayle
15:00 - 15:12 Marco Rozendaal: The development of a three-dimensional idealised model for estuarine hydrodynamics: iFlow3D
15:13 - 15:25 Abdel Nnafie: Shoreline evolution on decadal time scales: role of tides
15:26 - 15:38 Jantien Rutten: Observations of directional characteristics of infragravity waves in the North Sea
15:40 - 16:00 Big projects and small prizes
16:00 Closure






The NCK Days 2023 will be held at Theater de Veste in Delft. The icebreaker takes place at Mooie Boules, Delft. The dinner is at Cafe-Restaurant Knus



The NCK Days 2023 are organised by TU Delft: Anne Ton, Jose Álvarez Antolínez, Paul Bayle, Marion Tissier and Bram van Prooijen. 


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