NCK Days 2025

NCK days
Wednesday, 19 March - Friday, 21 March
Het Topshuis, Oosterscheldekering - 1, Dijkgraaf A.M. Gelukweg, Vrouwenpolder, Veere, Zeeland, Netherlands
4354 RA, Netherlands

The NCK Days 2025 ‘Get Ready for Coastal Innovation’ took place from 19-21 March 2025 at Topshuis, Oosterscheldekering. The event brought together young and leading researchers and professionals in coastal engineering and management for an inspiring and insightful gathering.

The event started on Wednesday with a full-day fieldtrip with a simulator experience of the 1953 storm surge disaster, followed by a boat tour of the Oosterschelde, and concluded with an exclusive look inside the Oosterscheldekering. In the evening there was an icebreaker at the Grand Hotel ter Duin so that all participants could get to know each other.

Over the following two days, we hosted a series of engaging oral and poster sessions covering topics from coastal management to nature-based solutions.

Willy Dekker provided a keynote and each day concluded with an awards ceremony recognizing outstanding contributions. Floris van Rees wowed everyone with his presentation on Thursday, earning the best presentation award, while Pauline Overes took home the prize on Friday. Kamiel Röell took home the best poster award on Thursday, and Bart van Westen wrapped up the event with his award-winning poster on Friday.

Traditionally, the conference dinner took place on Thursday evening. For the second year in a row Young-NCK tested our (non-)coastal related knowledge by hosting a pub quiz.

The NCK Days were a big success! Thank you to this year’s organisers from Rijkswaterstaat: Freek Brils en Laura Brakenhoff.

The programme is available below. The Book of Abstracts will soon be available in pdf.


Wednesday 19 March 2025  
10:30 - 16:30 Excursion Oosterscheldekering
10:30 - 11:00 Registration at Topshuis
11:00 - 12:15 Opening & walk towards Neeltje Jans
12:15 - 13:30 Boat tour of the Oosterschelde (bring your binoculars to watch seals!). Experience the 1953 storm surge disaster simulator. Walk back to Topshuis
13:30 - 14:30 Lunch
14:30 - 16:30 Movie and tour through Topshuis and Oosterscheldekering
20:00 - 22:00 Icebreaker at Grand Hotel Ter Duin (Burgh-Haamstede)
Thursday 20 March 2025  
08:45 - 09:15 Registration
09:30 - 09:45 Opening Ceremony
09:45 - 10:15 Session 1: Coastal Management & Nearshore 
09:45 - 09:57 de Vet An unbridgeable sediment deficit (“zandhonger”) in the Oosterschelde?
09:57 - 10:09 van der Grinten Wave runup extraction on dissipative beaches: new video-based methods
10:09 - 10:21 Larsen A novel type equilibrium slope model for swash zone sediment transport rates
10:21 - 10:33 Ridderinkhof Effect of alternative nourishment strategies on the morphologic evolution of the Texel SW coast
10:33 - 10:45 Geukes Evaluating the coastal multifunctionality of sand nourishment strategies at decadal timescales
10:45 - 11:45 Coffee break and poster session
  Leijnse Developing fast tools for assessing wave-driven flooding at large scales
  de Winter An Integrated Perspective on the Uncertainties of Sea-Level Rise, Hazards and Impacts, and Adaptation
  Rutten Sandy strategies for multiple functions under accelerated sea-level rise
  de Vries Are coastal dunes affected by shoreface nourishments?
  Poppema The Hybrid-Dune experiment: hybrid flood defences tested in the field
  van der Neut Creating Olympic fairness: measuring and modelling waves on rowing courses
  Timmer Satellite Derived Bathymetry as a tool for Coastal Erosion Management in The Gambia
  Wang A numerical study of the particle-bed collision process during aeolian transport on moist sand surfaces
  de Bruijn Acoustic Measurements of Stratification and Internal Seiching in an Enclosed Former Estuary
  Galiforni-Silva Developing a Predictive Digital Twin for a Hybrid Dune-Dike System: First Insights
  Florentina How to uncover the long-term impact of mechanical beach reshaping on the foredune development
  van de Lageweg HydroFest – wave and current dynamics of lake Veere revisited
  Groeneboer Modelling of the morphodynamic change of an artificial washover on The Boschplaat (Terschelling)
  Siemerink Obtaining high-resolution flow velocities from fast, accurate, coarse resolution model simulations for estuarine environments
  klein Obbink Refining the conceptual morphological models of the Vlie tidal basin for management and maintenance practices
  Lodder Research for Coastal Policy and Practice – a case study on the policy process and the role of conceptual models
  Hulskemper Skeletonization as Means to Track Geomorphic Changes in Point Cloud Time Series: The Case of Sandy Coastal Embryo Dunes
  Haakman Evolution of Tidal Asymmetry at Tide Gauges Along the Dutch Coast 
  Shafiei Exploring the network structure of coastal sediment pathways at the initial stage of rip-channel formation
  Bootsma Impact of restored intertidal area on salt intrusion in estuaries
  Taal Knowledge development programme Sandy Coast: System knowledge and coastline management connected for the Netherlands
  González-Fernández Nearshore sandbar morphodynamics of a nourished barrier island coast, Ameland
  Raaghav Reducing saltwater intrusion through shipping locks using bubble curtains - bridging laboratory and reality
  Piedelobo Building Learning Communities for Long-Term Delta Management: Insights from the Delta Wealth Project 
  Basnayake A country-level comparison of present-day coastal vulnerability to coastal flooding and erosion
11:45 - 12:45 Session 2: Dunes and Flood Risk Safety
11:45 - 11:57 Berghuis Biogeomorphic feedbacks in coastal dunes: How the initial spatial distribution of dune grass patches shapes future dune morphology
11:57 - 12:09 van Rees Biotic and Abiotic Drivers of Coastal Dune Height on the U.S. East Coast: A Multi-Scale Approach Using Remote Sensing, Field Surveys, and Stable Isotopes
12:09 - 12:21 Quataert Forecasting Hurricane Impacts on the US coast
12:21 - 12:33 de Bruijn Integrating Thermal and Coastal Dynamics in Modelling Permafrost Erosion: A Case Study at Barter Island
12:33 - 12:45 Rosman Measured Storm Erosion at a Hybrid Dune Compared with a Sandy Dune
12:45 - 13:45 Lunch
13:45 - 14:45 Session 3: Estuaries and Tidal Inlets
13:45 - 13:57 van Keulen Channel-harbour exchange and its influence on salinity dispersion in a partially stratified branch of the Rhine-Meuse estuary
13:57 - 14:09 Traas Cutting the tail: will the tidal channel Eilanderbalg reduce the length of Schiermonnikoog?
14:09 - 14:21 Alvila Ruiz Studying structural solutions for salt intrusion in multi-channel estuaries
14:21 - 14:33 Vermeer The Roggenplaat intertidal flat nourishment: morphological evaluation after 5 years of monitoring
14:33 - 14:45 Mi Tidal amplification induced by the historical evolution of estuarine landscapes
14:45 - 15:30 Coffee break and poster session (continued)
15:30 - 16:20 Session 4: Sediment Transport
15:30 - 15:42  -
15:42 - 15:54 van Weerdenburg Variations in suspended sediment concentrations at multiple timescales in the Dutch Wadden Sea
15:54 - 16:06 van der Lugt Cross-shore bed load transport around a storm event in the surf zone of a low-energy beach
16:06 - 16:18 Huisman Unravelling transports along the Wadden island of Ameland
16:20 - 16:40 Keynote Willy Dekker (HID RWS ZD)
16:40 - 17:00 Awards ceremony Thursday and closing
17:00 - 18:00 Drinks
18:00 - 21:00 Dinner & Young NCK activity
Friday 21 March 2025  
08:30 - 09:00 Registration
09:00 - 10:15 Session 5: Nature-based Solutions
09:00 - 09:12 Verhage Ten years of spatiotemporal suspended aeolian sand flux across a remobilized coastal dune system, Zuid-Kennemerland, The Netherlands
09:12 - 09:24 Minns Yes to NbS? Supporting balanced decision-making in the Gambia
09:24 - 09:36 Smits Mangrove recovery by habitat restoration using nature-based solutions
09:36 - 09:48 Baltussen Natural sedimentation in the Nieuwe Waterweg: an experimental study of a potential NbS
09:48 - 10:00 Wu Upscaling nature-based coastal protection: Effects on estuarine biodiversity
10:00 - 10:12 Barciela-Rial Desalination of marine dredged cohesive sediment for beneficial use: lessons learnt from three pilot projects
10:15 - 11:15 Coffee break and poster session
  van IJzendoorn How to design coastal dunes as a nature-based solution?
  van Westen Innovative Tools for Nature-based Solutions: Enhancing Dune Mobilization through Nourishment Design
   Hulskamp Analysing dune development and sedimentation-vegetation interactions at the Zandmotor landscape: advancing climate resilient landscapes through engineering
  Bard Cyclical Dynamics of Tidal Flats and Saltmarshes: Implications for Sustainable Management Practices
  Pleij The tidal dynamics in the North Sea derived from SWOT satellite data
  Dutta Delta-ENIGMA: an update from its first year of operation
  Leenders Towards developing guidelines for mega nourishments with a positive effect on habitat development
  Beemster Beyond the highs and lows: capturing the full tidal story from high-low data
  Willemsen Salt marshes: where climate change adaptation meets climate change mitigation
  van der Meer Simulation of the influence of transitional polders on flooding risks
  Tas 2D chenier dynamics and their impact on mangrove-mud shoreline evolution
  Walles Are our nourished tidal flats becoming climate traps for benthic species?
  Bhoobun Automated Characterisation of Tidal Course Morphology for Intertidal Mudflat Study
  Luo Comparing the effects of mangroves versus salt marshes on delta morphodynamics
  Kindermann Evaluating clustering techniques for predicting extreme sea level probabilities at the Dutch coast
  Jonathans Evaluating Vegetation Recovery Time in Tidal Marshes
  van de Vijsel Impacts of Storm Characteristics on Accretion Rates in Back-Barrier Salt Marshes
  Bruil Lateral edge retreat at the Wierum salt marsh: finding a relationship between erosion rate and hydrodynamic forcing
  Gijsman Mangrove Restoration in Lac Bay Lagoon, Caribbean Netherlands 
  Bond Prediction of Alongshore Cobble Transport on a Nature-Based Solution for High-Energy Coastlines
  Wijnberg SALTGARDEN - enabling resilient salt marshes in the Wadden Sea
  Portos-Amill Linear stability analysis on a sloping shelf: effects on tidal sand wave formation
  Nnafie Morphodynamics of sand ridges on the shelf: modelling effects of waves, wind and tide
  van Puijenbroek Salt marsh resilience for sea level rise depends on management 
  Muller Saltmarsh erosion near toe of a sea dike under extreme storm conditions
  Bénit How the Ebb Tidal Delta Affects Wave Loads on the Eastern Scheldt Storm Surge Barrier
  de Maat Storm Surge Events and the Link With Serial Cyclone Clustering: A Study of the Dutch Coastline
  Steenman Predicting salinity in the Haringvliet Outer Delta for operational and long-term applications using Machine Learning
11:15 - 12:15 Session 6: Ecology and Salt Marshes
11:15 - 11:27 Feng How Geomorphic Shifts and Climate Variability Reshape Saltmarsh Ecosystems in the Western Scheldt Estuary
11:27 - 11:39  -
11:39 - 11:51 Tobal Cupul Adapting an ecomorphodynamic 1-D model to estimate the presence of macrozoobenthos species in Venice Lagoon
11:51 - 12:03 van Belzen Priming nourishments with local sediment to accelerate recovery: A large-scale In Situ Experiment
12:03 - 12:15 Antonini Quantifying the Performance of Salt Marshes Under Extreme Hydrodynamic Conditions: Insights from a Large-Scale Experiment
12:15 - 13:00 Lunch
13:00 - 13:45 Poster session (continued)
13:45 - 14:45 Session 7: Subtidal and Offshore
13:45 - 13:57 van Dijk Sand Extraction within a demanded North Sea
13:57 - 14:09 van de Pas The influence of river discharge, tides and monsoon forcing on seasonal water level variations in the eastern Bengal Delta
14:09 - 14:21 de Wit Scour Protection for an Energy Island - A Comparison between Numerical and Laboratory Stability Predictions
14:21 - 14:33 Overes Understanding the role of 3D processes for the infilling of cable trenches in offshore sand wave fields
14:33 - 14:45 Awards ceremony Friday & Closing ceremony


The venue will be at the Topshuis, Oosterscheldekering. Please bring a valid ID. The Topshuis is a government building, so identification (passport, ID card, driver's license) may be requested at random. Also be aware that reaching this location via public transport can be time-consuming. We highly recommend organizing a carpooling team to make your journey more efficient and 'gezellig'. The icebreaker takes place at the Grand Hotel Ter Duin (Burgh-Haamstede). 


For the upcoming NCK Days, participants are encouraged to arrange their own accommodation. You can book hotels, bungalow parks, or Airbnbs as per your preference. Please note that there won’t be any discount arrangements available.

To foster a sense of community, we recommend booking your stay on the (former) island of Schouwen-Duiveland. A great option is the Grand Hotel Ter Duin in Burgh-Haamstede.


The NCK Days 2025 are organised by Rijkswaterstaat: Laura Brakenhoff, Freek Brils & Tineke Drieenhuizen. If you have any questions, please contact the organisation via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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