Wednesday 19 March 2025 |
10:30 - 16:30 |
Excursion Oosterscheldekering |
10:30 - 11:00 |
Registration at Topshuis |
11:00 - 12:15 |
Opening & walk towards Neeltje Jans |
12:15 - 13:30 |
Boat tour of the Oosterschelde (bring your binoculars to watch seals!). Experience the 1953 storm surge disaster simulator. Walk back to Topshuis |
13:30 - 14:30 |
Lunch |
14:30 - 16:30 |
Movie and tour through Topshuis and Oosterscheldekering |
20:00 - 22:00 |
Icebreaker at Grand Hotel Ter Duin (Burgh-Haamstede) |
Thursday 20 March 2025 |
08:45 - 09:15 |
Registration |
09:30 - 09:45 |
Opening Ceremony |
09:45 - 10:15 |
Session 1: Coastal Management & Nearshore |
09:45 - 09:57 |
de Vet An unbridgeable sediment deficit (“zandhonger”) in the Oosterschelde? |
09:57 - 10:09 |
van der Grinten Wave runup extraction on dissipative beaches: new video-based methods |
10:09 - 10:21 |
Larsen A novel type equilibrium slope model for swash zone sediment transport rates |
10:21 - 10:33 |
Ridderinkhof Effect of alternative nourishment strategies on the morphologic evolution of the Texel SW coast |
10:33 - 10:45 |
Geukes Evaluating the coastal multifunctionality of sand nourishment strategies at decadal timescales |
10:45 - 11:45 |
Coffee break and poster session |
Leijnse Developing fast tools for assessing wave-driven flooding at large scales |
de Winter An Integrated Perspective on the Uncertainties of Sea-Level Rise, Hazards and Impacts, and Adaptation |
Rutten Sandy strategies for multiple functions under accelerated sea-level rise |
de Vries Are coastal dunes affected by shoreface nourishments? |
Poppema The Hybrid-Dune experiment: hybrid flood defences tested in the field |
van der Neut Creating Olympic fairness: measuring and modelling waves on rowing courses |
Timmer Satellite Derived Bathymetry as a tool for Coastal Erosion Management in The Gambia |
Wang A numerical study of the particle-bed collision process during aeolian transport on moist sand surfaces |
de Bruijn Acoustic Measurements of Stratification and Internal Seiching in an Enclosed Former Estuary |
Galiforni-Silva Developing a Predictive Digital Twin for a Hybrid Dune-Dike System: First Insights |
Florentina How to uncover the long-term impact of mechanical beach reshaping on the foredune development |
van de Lageweg HydroFest – wave and current dynamics of lake Veere revisited |
Groeneboer Modelling of the morphodynamic change of an artificial washover on The Boschplaat (Terschelling) |
Siemerink Obtaining high-resolution flow velocities from fast, accurate, coarse resolution model simulations for estuarine environments |
klein Obbink Refining the conceptual morphological models of the Vlie tidal basin for management and maintenance practices |
Lodder Research for Coastal Policy and Practice – a case study on the policy process and the role of conceptual models |
Hulskemper Skeletonization as Means to Track Geomorphic Changes in Point Cloud Time Series: The Case of Sandy Coastal Embryo Dunes |
Haakman Evolution of Tidal Asymmetry at Tide Gauges Along the Dutch Coast |
Shafiei Exploring the network structure of coastal sediment pathways at the initial stage of rip-channel formation |
Bootsma Impact of restored intertidal area on salt intrusion in estuaries |
Taal Knowledge development programme Sandy Coast: System knowledge and coastline management connected for the Netherlands |
González-Fernández Nearshore sandbar morphodynamics of a nourished barrier island coast, Ameland |
Raaghav Reducing saltwater intrusion through shipping locks using bubble curtains - bridging laboratory and reality |
Piedelobo Building Learning Communities for Long-Term Delta Management: Insights from the Delta Wealth Project |
Basnayake A country-level comparison of present-day coastal vulnerability to coastal flooding and erosion |
11:45 - 12:45 |
Session 2: Dunes and Flood Risk Safety |
11:45 - 11:57 |
Berghuis Biogeomorphic feedbacks in coastal dunes: How the initial spatial distribution of dune grass patches shapes future dune morphology |
11:57 - 12:09 |
van Rees Biotic and Abiotic Drivers of Coastal Dune Height on the U.S. East Coast: A Multi-Scale Approach Using Remote Sensing, Field Surveys, and Stable Isotopes |
12:09 - 12:21 |
Quataert Forecasting Hurricane Impacts on the US coast |
12:21 - 12:33 |
de Bruijn Integrating Thermal and Coastal Dynamics in Modelling Permafrost Erosion: A Case Study at Barter Island |
12:33 - 12:45 |
Rosman Measured Storm Erosion at a Hybrid Dune Compared with a Sandy Dune |
12:45 - 13:45 |
Lunch |
13:45 - 14:45 |
Session 3: Estuaries and Tidal Inlets |
13:45 - 13:57 |
van Keulen Channel-harbour exchange and its influence on salinity dispersion in a partially stratified branch of the Rhine-Meuse estuary |
13:57 - 14:09 |
Traas Cutting the tail: will the tidal channel Eilanderbalg reduce the length of Schiermonnikoog? |
14:09 - 14:21 |
Alvila Ruiz Studying structural solutions for salt intrusion in multi-channel estuaries |
14:21 - 14:33 |
Vermeer The Roggenplaat intertidal flat nourishment: morphological evaluation after 5 years of monitoring |
14:33 - 14:45 |
Mi Tidal amplification induced by the historical evolution of estuarine landscapes |
14:45 - 15:30 |
Coffee break and poster session (continued) |
15:30 - 16:20 |
Session 4: Sediment Transport |
15:30 - 15:42 |
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15:42 - 15:54 |
van Weerdenburg Variations in suspended sediment concentrations at multiple timescales in the Dutch Wadden Sea |
15:54 - 16:06 |
van der Lugt Cross-shore bed load transport around a storm event in the surf zone of a low-energy beach |
16:06 - 16:18 |
Huisman Unravelling transports along the Wadden island of Ameland |
16:20 - 16:40 |
Keynote Willy Dekker (HID RWS ZD) |
16:40 - 17:00 |
Awards ceremony Thursday and closing |
17:00 - 18:00 |
Drinks |
18:00 - 21:00 |
Dinner & Young NCK activity |
Friday 21 March 2025 |
08:30 - 09:00 |
Registration |
09:00 - 10:15 |
Session 5: Nature-based Solutions |
09:00 - 09:12 |
Verhage Ten years of spatiotemporal suspended aeolian sand flux across a remobilized coastal dune system, Zuid-Kennemerland, The Netherlands |
09:12 - 09:24 |
Minns Yes to NbS? Supporting balanced decision-making in the Gambia |
09:24 - 09:36 |
Smits Mangrove recovery by habitat restoration using nature-based solutions |
09:36 - 09:48 |
Baltussen Natural sedimentation in the Nieuwe Waterweg: an experimental study of a potential NbS |
09:48 - 10:00 |
Wu Upscaling nature-based coastal protection: Effects on estuarine biodiversity |
10:00 - 10:12 |
Barciela-Rial Desalination of marine dredged cohesive sediment for beneficial use: lessons learnt from three pilot projects |
10:15 - 11:15 |
Coffee break and poster session |
van IJzendoorn How to design coastal dunes as a nature-based solution? |
van Westen Innovative Tools for Nature-based Solutions: Enhancing Dune Mobilization through Nourishment Design |
Hulskamp Analysing dune development and sedimentation-vegetation interactions at the Zandmotor landscape: advancing climate resilient landscapes through engineering |
Bard Cyclical Dynamics of Tidal Flats and Saltmarshes: Implications for Sustainable Management Practices |
Pleij The tidal dynamics in the North Sea derived from SWOT satellite data |
Dutta Delta-ENIGMA: an update from its first year of operation |
Leenders Towards developing guidelines for mega nourishments with a positive effect on habitat development |
Beemster Beyond the highs and lows: capturing the full tidal story from high-low data |
Willemsen Salt marshes: where climate change adaptation meets climate change mitigation |
van der Meer Simulation of the influence of transitional polders on flooding risks |
Tas 2D chenier dynamics and their impact on mangrove-mud shoreline evolution |
Walles Are our nourished tidal flats becoming climate traps for benthic species? |
Bhoobun Automated Characterisation of Tidal Course Morphology for Intertidal Mudflat Study |
Luo Comparing the effects of mangroves versus salt marshes on delta morphodynamics |
Kindermann Evaluating clustering techniques for predicting extreme sea level probabilities at the Dutch coast |
Jonathans Evaluating Vegetation Recovery Time in Tidal Marshes |
van de Vijsel Impacts of Storm Characteristics on Accretion Rates in Back-Barrier Salt Marshes |
Bruil Lateral edge retreat at the Wierum salt marsh: finding a relationship between erosion rate and hydrodynamic forcing |
Gijsman Mangrove Restoration in Lac Bay Lagoon, Caribbean Netherlands |
Bond Prediction of Alongshore Cobble Transport on a Nature-Based Solution for High-Energy Coastlines |
Wijnberg SALTGARDEN - enabling resilient salt marshes in the Wadden Sea |
Portos-Amill Linear stability analysis on a sloping shelf: effects on tidal sand wave formation |
Nnafie Morphodynamics of sand ridges on the shelf: modelling effects of waves, wind and tide |
van Puijenbroek Salt marsh resilience for sea level rise depends on management |
Muller Saltmarsh erosion near toe of a sea dike under extreme storm conditions |
Bénit How the Ebb Tidal Delta Affects Wave Loads on the Eastern Scheldt Storm Surge Barrier |
de Maat Storm Surge Events and the Link With Serial Cyclone Clustering: A Study of the Dutch Coastline |
Steenman Predicting salinity in the Haringvliet Outer Delta for operational and long-term applications using Machine Learning |
11:15 - 12:15 |
Session 6: Ecology and Salt Marshes |
11:15 - 11:27 |
Feng How Geomorphic Shifts and Climate Variability Reshape Saltmarsh Ecosystems in the Western Scheldt Estuary |
11:27 - 11:39 |
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11:39 - 11:51 |
Tobal Cupul Adapting an ecomorphodynamic 1-D model to estimate the presence of macrozoobenthos species in Venice Lagoon |
11:51 - 12:03 |
van Belzen Priming nourishments with local sediment to accelerate recovery: A large-scale In Situ Experiment |
12:03 - 12:15 |
Antonini Quantifying the Performance of Salt Marshes Under Extreme Hydrodynamic Conditions: Insights from a Large-Scale Experiment |
12:15 - 13:00 |
Lunch |
13:00 - 13:45 |
Poster session (continued) |
13:45 - 14:45 |
Session 7: Subtidal and Offshore |
13:45 - 13:57 |
van Dijk Sand Extraction within a demanded North Sea |
13:57 - 14:09 |
van de Pas The influence of river discharge, tides and monsoon forcing on seasonal water level variations in the eastern Bengal Delta |
14:09 - 14:21 |
de Wit Scour Protection for an Energy Island - A Comparison between Numerical and Laboratory Stability Predictions |
14:21 - 14:33 |
Overes Understanding the role of 3D processes for the infilling of cable trenches in offshore sand wave fields |
14:33 - 14:45 |
Awards ceremony Friday & Closing ceremony |